Saturday, March 31, 2012

Creative resistance

In Sewanee.

I improvised a much better alternative to Bulgarian squats.

I filled a backpack with a single 70 lb slab of limestone and did single leg step lunges on the stairs. Superior to Bulgarian squats because I have the hand rails if I need them for balance and the knee lift is closer to running form... and it gets the calves too.

2 x 20 - 25 each leg

Did the usual resistance bands as well.


  1. Very specific - looks good!

    Kneecap looks no further forward than ball of foot - good. Angle is slightly more than 90 degree's - watch that.

    What is progression plan? Increase weight? Add reps, sets? Was this already "very difficult"?

  2. Failure is about 25x. 2 sets to failure.

  3. no planned progression? realistically, where do you see this exercise in one month - weight, reps, sets?
