Thursday, March 10, 2016

Schedule - outdoor season

It looks like I will be able to race as much as I want to during this upcoming season, especially if I'm willing to drive to Atlanta area for the all ages "Track Lab" series of meets.  Beginning next weekend, there are 6 meets in the series, mostly held at local high schools.  Although these meets are FAT timed, high school tracks are generally not as good as college track surfaces (Mondo is rare), and there are usually very few masters that show up.   But, the Masters races are scheduled at specific times (400m - noon, 200m - 3pm).  Only costs $10 to enter meets in this series.

The first opportunity is to race Sat., March 19.   It might be a temptation to race too much as I did in '14.    With many meets to choose from, I'll compete depending on how I feel, the weather, travel distance, and the best venue surface.   Generally prefer college meets over masters.
Track Lab

Looks like Emory in Atlanta has a meet on the 3/19 that I can get in to.  Better than going to the meet at the high school.  I have to decide by Tues.  I'll probably do it.

I did 3x50 with 335 lbs on the glute machine tonight.   Most weight I've put on that machine.


  1. "I did 3x50 with 335 lbs on the glute machine tonight. Most weight I've put on that machine."

    I suggest you research 'resistance training' in this context. You need to work 'smart' when 'pumping iron' as well insofar as goals and methods for attaining both power and 'twitch'.

  2. Injury avoidance with the body's largest and strongest muscle group (glut) is critically important to a runner......DON'T OVER DUE!!!!!

  3. Anything that I can do 3x50 is not 'over doing it.' If I could, I'd put more weight on it and do less reps, like 20-30.

  4. unnatural motion causing rotation of lower disk vertebra while under stress. disk naturally degrade. this exercise has low use - so not a lot of understanding of how tolerant the body is to it over time. no single exercise is particularly important, for instance, you have been doing well in track without running stadium stairs. if your goal is to sprint forever, then be selective about which exercises you do, especially ones that interact with body parts that have a high failure rate.
