Tuesday, July 11, 2023


Sunny, clear, 81º, dry with a hot sun, and mostly calm winds.  I really didn't know what I wanted to do today.  Max velocity, overdistance, event runs, blocks, etc... ?  So, I looked at my last workouts from July  '21.  10 days before my epic Nationals in '21 I did an epic volume workout - 600, 400, 300, 200.  The 600 that day was a remarkable 1:39.00.   I was also training for the 800 at that point.  

But today, I started with a 500 and it felt really bad.  Almost 4 sec slower than the one I ran right before leaving for Poland.  But it got better.  After some recovery, I put my spikes on and ran 2 more fast long sprints.

Hoka trainers on

stretches, 100m, bands, drills

500m - 82.59 (64.16, 18.43)

Adidas Prime SP2 spikes on

400m - 58.60 (13.48, 14.03, 14.93, 16.16 / 27.51, 31.09)

300m - 42.29 (27.09, 15.20)  

The 500m felt so bad and tiring that I was really discouraged, thinking I might even scratch the 400m at Nationals.  The last 100m was a ridiculous 18.43, at least 1.5 sec slower than it should have been.  I decided then I needed to get my head together, put the spikes on, try to pace a decent 400m.  I had actually put my pacer on 29/31 splits.  I got the 31 but went out in 27.5.  Probably the pace I should be at.  Running 58.60 after a grueling 500m, gave me a bit more confidence.   

I was pretty unnerved today as my main competitor, the US #1 dropped a 57.8 today at Sr. Games, faster than I have run in 2 yrs.  Another ran 59.11, faster than my last week's race.   So, my chances for another title are very small, based on my recent times.  However, I never ran below 57.49 all season in '21 then dropped 57.19, 56.78, and 56.23 in my last 3 races.  So, improvement is possible.  Even so, I'd absolutely need a season's best to win, and my competitors, a sub-performance.  

I need to respect my off days, follow the plan that worked in '21.  Also, start eating a bit more balanced, stop living off iced milk & coffee and maybe instead, pull out the juice machine and make some nutrient-rich fresh-made vegetable/fruit juice.    And, get better sleep.  

Also, this workout showed me the value of being totally warmed up.  I was certainly warmed up after that 500m when I put the spikes on for the 400m.  These summer meets with heat in the 90ºs, it just feels too taxing to warm up.  But, it's counterintuitive, and totally necessary for best speed.  I need to run two good 80/100m sprints at race pace after stretching, then chill out and recover before the race.  My second tempo interval always flows better than the first.  The old skeleton needs to be lubricated, primed, and juices flowing before a race, even if it is temporarily tiring.  Need to time it right.  Last race I didn't warm up like I did the week before.  

I really need a better race on Sat.  So far in the masters 400m this Saturday, it's just me and a few college guys, including one elite from Auburn - a football cornerback and state HS 400 champion who runs 46.  So, I'll be running essentially alone.  It'll be hot in AL.  Just as it will be in NC. 

139.3 lbs after workout.  Be back out Thurs.  Music performance tomorrow.  


  1. I predict disappointing results if you keep pushing through staleness and don’t get more down time. Save the cycling for after nationals no upside and risk of downside at this point.

  2. Agreed. Training volumes are ok but frequency and intensity is high. Likely to cause both peripheral and CNS fatigue
    Suggestions - Limit track running to every other day.
    On non running days rest or or if you do want to train do low intensity cardio training, so called zone 2.
    Eat more calories, your carb intake and hence glycogen is likely to be depleted.
    Take, say 2 rest days after a race.
    Do a 4 (?) day taper ahead of a race.
