Thursday, July 28, 2022

3x200 - last workout of the competitive season

Early afternoon, it was quite warm and humid in Sewanee.  Heat index in the low 90ºs on the mountain, near 100º down the mountain.   After biking up Roark's cove again today, I took a brief swim and did some water running. 

After a nap and a rain shower, I went to the track right at sunset.  Was a beautiful sky and some brief light drizzle.  Did a brief workout with 3x200m, trying to get at 800m race pace.  

Hoka trainers on

stretches, bands, 100m

Nike Maxfly spikes on 

3 x 200m - 33, 32.63, 33.65

Was about right on the pace.  Wanted to get the spikes on and work on my stride and pace.  Definitely shouldn't be running any faster than 33-34 for the first 200m.   No problem with the injury, felt ok.  Not completely gone, but not bad.  

I'm hoping to run somewhere around 69 / 71 splits.    Funny, never thought I'd be running an 800m at Nationals as my only race.   Every person in this race that is competitive I think is also running the 1500m.  These are not sprinters, these are distance runners.  I think if I can stay close to the leader, I can out sprint anyone in this race in the last 80m.  The thing is, I shouldn't go out and try to lead the race, especially at the 600m mark.  There's always the danger of rigging up and losing my ending kick if I go too fast.  Anyway, a tactical race will be the way to go and not too fast a first 400m.  Need to reserve for that kick.  I really do hate this race.  It's going to be tough but I should be able to medal if I don't get injured, and barring any surprises.

First Nationals I've ever driven to.  

139.7 lbs after workout.  

1 comment:

  1. Well, it turned out to be a wild one, Bill. The guy I'd never heard of, Roger Chapman, got gold in 2:19.54, while 3 guys I knew were all strong runners - you, Kevin Paulk, and Dave Westenberg -- got 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. (s) Peter Taylor
