Saturday, September 9, 2023

First running

First time back to running.  Nice weather, mid 70ºs at the Sewanee track, light winds.  Happy to see the facility completely uninhabited.  This time of year it's hit or miss because of student athletics.

I do feel like I've lost most if not all of my conditioning, V02 max.  After running my first easy 100m sprint at a modest 14.8, I felt uncharacteristically winded.

Hoke trainers on

stretches, 100m, drills

100m - 14.85

4 x 100m on turf w/ 30 sec rest - 16.22, 16.32, 16.53, 15.41

100m (track) - 13.44

It felt ok.  I wouldn't say it was pain free, but not too bad.   I'm thinking I will do a running workout every  every Friday for this month,  then maybe ramp it up to 2x/ month in Oct.  Maybe I can get some stadium stairs in when in Murfreesboro.  Of course, I will continue to cross train on the bike, rower, weights.  Swimming season is coming to an end.

Hanging around a nominal off season weight of 143-144 lbs.

Training methods

I found a debate on youtube between Ryan B. and Tony H.  about 400m training.   I had a brief exchange with Tony on this and he came off as somewhat of a dick.  I said about 400m training, "There are many roads to Rome" ... and I mentioned Lee Evans who was famous for his grueling 6x600m foundation workouts.  Tony responded, 'I don't give a shit about Lee Evans'... LOL.   Well, both are high school coaches and that has to be taken into consideration.  The goals are different than masters, particularly retaining a team.  This guy Tony, my age but looks as old as my dad, I told him to imagine running a 57 400m at our age and never doing any endurance training.  Not going to happen doing just 30s and 60s, and short top speed work.  100m speed is largely innate, but 400m speed is not,  It must be trained.  I do believe that any successful 400m guy should also be near the top % in their 100m speed.  But, doesn't have to be top 5 in the world.  Lee Evans ran 43 in the 400m but never ran faster than 10.9 in the 100m.  Based on the commentary, Tony doesn't seem to understand the terms: intensive tempo, extensive tempo, special endurance, etc...

Anyway, here's the first hour of the debate, it goes on for hours in subsequent episodes.

1 comment:

  1. "This guy Tony, my age but looks as old as my dad," Hold it right there.... I want a pic of this fellow!!!!!!!!!!
