I felt a bit sore and vulnerable today. Got to the track a bit late and hurried my warmups. I forgot to stretch my groin adequately and strained it a bit during striders. I felt all kinds of issues... groin, sore ham, hip flexor... I was not confident I would survive this race. I got into the blocks in lane 5 behind Barnwell in 6. I had Waller, DiSalvo, and Nuemann in my heat as well. I got a good start and it felt fine. I didn't try to push real hard and just floated down the straight. I can't believe I ran a season PR and no BS... I was not trying 100% ! I felt I was running conservatively, defensively, gingerly. Yet only Barnwell was ahead of me... (by a lot), but finally, Waller came up and got me at the end, just 0.18 ahead.
It was extremely hectic getting to the track since I lost my car key 15 min before I had to leave. I did find it. I declared just 5 min before cutoff.
Waller had tape on his leg, DiSalvo was complaining about a strain... so I'm not the only one who is beat up. My left ham is quite sore but not strained. I think the soreness is not in the same muscle group as my tear 7 weeks ago... at least I hope. I wish I had brought a resistance band to do a little adductor work tomorrow before the race.
So, how is this possible to run a season PR without trying? The new "animal start" technique helped. I also think it was better to relax and not try to run the 200m all at 100% like I always have. There was also apparently a tailwind, but I didn't notice it. I ran with sunglasses on, which I almost never do.
Finals outlook:
With Barnwell, Tissenbaum and Waller in there ... my outlook for a medal is poor. My only chance is if someone scratches, gets injured or under performs. I hope everyone does well, I'm happy to already have a medal, and would not wish injury on anyone. But, shit happens. It's a strong final with Tyrone Williams, Tony DiSalvo, Rudy Briscoe, and David Nuemann. Any or all those guy could beat me.
I'm really beat up and hope I feel better tomorrow. After this evening's severe storm, it'll be cooler tomorrow but a gusty headwind is forecast... so probably no PR.
4X400m Relay:
It looked like the GPTC relay was off because of Rob Schwart's injury, but Nick Berra said he'd stand in. Nick and 3 other guys are going to make an attempt at the M40 world record in the 4x800m relay. I can't imagine he'll have a lot left after that with less than an hour to recover. I don't intend on saving myself for this relay, I'm going to leave chunks of myself on the track if necessary in my last individual race of the season, tomorrow's 200m final. So, if I'm hurt, I won't be a hero and run. If I can, I'll do it but I'm sure I won't be running 55s. It would be nice to pick up another medal. If Nick and Kevin can do it, we may win, or likely medal.
I had a good time hangin' with some of my 'speed brothers' today:
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William Yelverton and Tony DiSalvo (M50) |
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Marcus Shute (M45), William Yelverton, Michael Waller (M50), and Ben James (M55) |
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with Deb Hofmann - W50 400m National Champion |
DiSalvo looks like a 'beast' ..... don't want to piss him off. Great pics .... memories of a lifetime .... including mine.