Sunday, June 23, 2024

Time off, construction, injury, bike

This past week I was going to roof my shed and put in the floor.   It didn't go as planned as I had a serious shoulder injury when hoisting a piece of roofing up.  After sliding a 4x8' piece of plywood on the roof, it started sliding down and I tried to catch it while walking backward, I tripped over a log and fell straight back.  May have momentarily dislocated the shoulder, but it came back in.  It was bad, worst shoulder injury in 18 yrs, since I fell of my motorcycle back in 2006ish.  I knew the shoulder would tighten up in response to the injury so I worked quickly to get the roof up, caulked, and screwed after the injury before quitting.   Probably not a good idea because, next day, pain was bad.  Affected by sleep.    Could not lift my arm from my side at all.  But strangely, I could hang from a bar and do a pullup with no pain.  It was the muscles and tendons on the front on my shoulder that were hurt.  Shoulder is a really complex joint. 

Now, 5 days later, I can barely lift my arm parallel to the ground and with some pain.   Still doing 5mg of 'hillbilly heroin' at bedtime, and hard to get comfortable.   It's going to take weeks for this to heal, maybe all summer.  But, I can do tasks that keep my arms low, like putting in the floor joists that I did this week.  It sure will put a damper on my fitness pursuits.  I still haven't done any swimming this spring/summer.

I really want to put the metal roof on and add the floor next week, hopefully I'll be recovered enough to do it.  (Probably not, but will anyway).

I haven't run in 2 weeks now and my knee feels much better as well as my foot.  

Today, I'm going to bike up the mountain in the heat of the day, it's mid 80ºs with a H.I. of 90º, not bad compared with Murfreesboro/Nashville where it feels like 105ºF.

Fortunately, keeping my weight under control, about 144 on the avg.  

I've booked a hiking vacation in the French, Swiss, and Italian Alps for Aug with Roya.  In the mean time, I'm going to enjoy the US Olympic trials for the next 9 days, then the Olympics next month.  Looking forward to finishing this shed and moving the tools out of my house closet, and from around by house.   

No plans to start running again anytime soon.  Good time for a break, but want to get back to cross training.  Being sedentary ages a person.

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