Sunday, June 23, 2024

Bike, new max HR

Shoulder still a major issue, but I can bike.  Did my first trip up the mountain in quite a while and my first significant exercise in quite a while.   With the hot weather, 5 lbs heavier, and lack of fitness... I worked way harder than usual to get up the mountain.  About 86º at the top, 92ºF at the bottom.

Set a new max HR reading on this climb of 192 bpm.  

Compare when I was doing this in shape in much cooler weather in March:

March 12

Bike climb up Roark's Cove Rd - about 20 min 

Max HR: 177 .... Avg HR: 153 .... HR over 170: 4:36


Bike climb up Roark's Cove Rd - just under 25 min 
Max HR: 192 .... Avg HR: 159 .... HR over 170: 15:36

Most notable is the amount of time my HR was over 170 today, almost 16 min.  Long time.  Hopefully my fitness will improve as I get back into cross training.  

1 comment:

  1. Heat increases cardiac stress so that is part of the HR increase.
