Got to Fontana Lake Friday by sunset, hiked for 4 days... a total of about 22 miles or so. I don't do the massive 15-25 mile day hikes I used to but the 9 mile round trip up the AT to Shuckstack tower was quite enough. Perfect hiking weather, high temperatures in the lower to mid 60ºs, overnight lows abut 40º. The water temperature was about 72-73º so we swam a bit. Super clean and refreshing water. Roya even swam. In addition to Shuckstack, we hike the Forney Creek trail, lakeshore trail, and around Hazel Creek.
We saw a bear on the Lakeshore trail but had a good 60m distance. It was a large female and cub. Roya retreated but I stepped up and pounded my stick and claimed the trail. The mother bear rear up on it's hind legs and took a good look at me before moving on. She probably stood about 7' tall, large for a female. Since last years bear attack fatality at Hazel creek, we're reminded these animals are not to be taken lightly, but you can't run from them (...well maybe I can if I get a head start). From that point on, Roya carried a big stick.
The old boat ran great and I managed to lose a lb despite eating a lot. 142.9 lbs this morning. My pubalgia issue has faded but not gone. Next running workout will be Friday or this weekend. Maybe stadium stairs Thurs, we'll see.
Here's some photos:
Near the Lakeshore Trail |
AT Trailhead at Fontana Dam to Shuckstack |
Night cruising by full moon |
Shuckstack tower |
Shuckstack view |
Moonrise at Fontana Dam
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