Wednesday, June 28, 2023

brief tempo set, 300

My first taste of training in warmer weather but it wasn't real hot.  Temperatures about 83º, sunny, NW breeze, heat index only 85º- 86º... but of course, the difference between sun and shade is huge.   

The heat is supposed to peak on Fri.  I plan on going out and doing some low volume stuff next 2 days, just to experience the heat.  Supposed to be upper 90ºs heat index here on the mountain Fri pm.  

Today, I thought I'd get 3x300 w/3m but bailed after 2, then ran some more.

Hoka trainers on

stretches, 100m, drills, bands

Adidas trainers on

300m, 300m, 100m, 200m w/ 3 min rest - 46.96, 47.23, 16.20, 30.51

300m - 43.91 

A decent volume of training and my 9th of the last 12 days on the track.  First one felt a little clunky but the last one felt pretty good.   

Saw that the winner of M60 400m at Spanish Nationals ran 59.23, so not feeling too bad about my 59.17.  Don't know if conditions on Sat will allow for me to break 59, because in addition to the heat, there is supposed to be wind.  

139.0 lbs after workout.  

Same pose, different day.... worshipping the sun god.


  1. Replies
    1. Sunscreen for sure. I use this, can spray it on my back.


    3. If tanning then DNA is being damaged by UV radiation which can lead to mutations and skin cancer. Suggest to find a dermatologist that has a physician assistant that can map out your skin defects and monitor them over time. Usually the PA’s do that much better than Doctors. Melanoma is deadly. Suggest also to cover up in the sun.
