Sunday, December 18, 2022

First 400m of the season

Yea, it was slow, ran real conservatively, didn't rig up.  Next time will push it a bit more, go out faster.

59.74 - 400m 

At the Crossplex, I accomplished my initial goal of running under 60.  My first 200m was only about a pedestrian 28.5.  My stride felt a little clunky, not really fluid, especially on the turns.  I had lane 4 and was essentially running alone with a college kid about 9 seconds ahead of me.  It's a nominal start, about what I expected.   I know my fitness isn't there yet and I have a ways to go, but I think I'm within the realm of being competitive this season.   We'll see how it goes.  Unless I see a major improvement by end of Jan, probably won't go to worlds, but then again, it's a long ways away and a lot of time for improvement if my body can withstand the training.   So, I won't rule it out yet.   

I was pretty cautious and glad to get this race behind me without injury, because it was this weekend on this track last year that I seriously injured myself, essentially taking me out of contention in the sprints in '22.  

So, just happy to still be able to do this, train, and hopefully improve.  I have no illusions that I'll ever run 56 again, but who knows.  It may just take longer.  

I'll be going up to the frigid north for 6 days and that will put a big dent in my training schedule.  I was thinking about running the Sprint Night at the Armory on the 26th, but that's my parents anniversary and they have something planned that evening.   So, next opportunity to race will be Jan 6 or 8.  I'll have to cram 3 workouts in the next 4 days, including today.... and it's cold.   Only 30ºs today.

Only 3 other masters were there that I'm aware of - Andrea, Willie, and Tom.   Tom ran the most notable race.  He was initially put in lane 1 in my heat.  He apparently complained to meet officials and they let him run alone before the teen girls.  He ran a super 76.38 at age 80!   As far as I can see, it is easily in the top 5 indoor times of all time by an American over 80 in the 400m.   Will likely end up season best in M80.  

I love racing in Birmingham, just wish it weren't so far.  It's a 350 mile round trip.  I can do it in about 2.5 hrs.   It's just a little more than 1 tank of gas so I have to stop on the way home.  

I was a reasonable weight for this race, about 141.  Not super light but OK.   

1 comment:

  1. Armory also has an evening meet Thursday, Dec. 22, with a 200, in case you're interested in some up-tempo stuff at this point ...
