Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Inexplicably fast

Nice at the Sewanee track this evening.   80º, not super humid, and calm winds.  Nice conditions to run fast.  But it was too fast.  Tried to run an estimated race pace 300m but far exceeded my planned race pace. 

Hoka trainers on

stretches, drills, bands, 2x100

100m - 13.06

300m - 40.56 (26.09, 14.47 / 12.56, 13.53, 14.47)

2 x 200m w/ 60 sec rest - 27.32, 28.32

200m - 26.34

The 300m was supposed to be 27 + 14.5 = 41.5.  My plan was to go out briskly in about 13, run a relaxed back stretch in 14, then a 3rd 100m turn in about 14.5.   The first 200m was ridiculously fast compared to how it felt.  I think I may have rigged if I ran a full 400m, and sorry I didn't.  Even if I had only managed 16.5 on the home stretch, that's still just under 57.  I really think I could have done at least that.  Still need to dial it back.  It's also possible, I'm getting faster.  Maybe the single leg squat regime is helping. 

It started right from the beginning.  Started with a brisk 100m that I meant to be about 13.5 to 14.  It was 13.06.   After the 300m, I was tired but felt I needed to do a little conditioning, so I did a real race pace 200m, rest one min, then another.  That kicked my butt because I wasn't fully recovered.  I ended with a 200m that was a little faster than race pace, working on form.  

So, I don't think I'm going to get up early and train tomorrow morning.  I'll wait til I get to FL and do a early morning Friday shakeout with the old guys at the retirement community.   They get up so damn early, they're out there at 7am and there's no bathrooms there.  I'm just going to warm up and run an easy 200m.  

138.2 lbs after workout.  


I made my second call to USATF to get them to change my affiliation from 'unattached' to my track club, GPTC.  I've called twice, sent 2 emails.  They did respond to an email acknowledging receipt, but that's it.  Never reach a person on the phone, calls not returned.  Not much more I can do.  

1 comment:

  1. Bill, it looks like you will be one of 121 men in the 400; there are 55 women in that event. Unfortunately, I don't how that translates into estimated total turnout. Right now I am guessing 1255, but who knows?

    I assume that we will eventually be told how many entrants this meet has. As I have said numerous times, I hope it becomes the first non-West Coast nationals to break the 1400 barrier.
