Thursday, December 1, 2022

4x150m on turf, 200m hills

 Mid 40ºs, hazy sunshine at 2pm at Sewanee.  3rd day on the track in 4 days.  Decided on a tempo turf set and some hills.

Hoka trainers on

stretches, drills, 2x100

4x150m on turf w/ 30 sec rest - avg ~ 24

2 x 200m hills - 43, 46

The tempo set was about the same speed as last time, first one was 23, last one 24 low.   The hills I did without full rest and the last one was so hard I had trouble walking back down the hill to my car.  My glutes so lactic, it hurt a little to sit.  It was markedly cooler on the N slope where the hill run is.  41º but 47º on my S facing bluff.  T-shirt weather for training.  

Encouraging to be getting this frequency of workouts in.  I think I'm getting there, slowly.  

141.5 lbs after workout.  


  1. What is the percent grade of the hill?

    1. I think about 22% avg. Approx 45m elevation gain over 200m. Steepest part of a steep road.

    2. That is steep good work

  2. Excellent work, Bill. Good to see frequency of your training is increasing.
