Monday, December 5, 2022

brief tempo set

Feeling really beat up after working for several hours building a deck for Roya in Atlanta, sometimes working in the rain and mud.   I did manage to get to the track at Marist for a brief workout. Sunday late afternoon.  50º and cloudy.  

Hoka trainers on

stretches, drills, bands, 2x100

2x200, 2x100 w/ 1 minute rest between ~ 32, 31, 16, 15

Didn't seem like much on paper but it was exhausting.  Quite a ways away from the 4x200 w/ 1 min rest that I do in shape.  

At least I'm burning some calories and keeping my weight down with this construction work.   No way could I do this for a living.  It would break me in a week.   Hands, feet, glutes hurt mostly.   You would think any kind of physical labor is good, but not this stuff.  Definitely detracts from the training regime.

140.5 this morning.  

Built this in a day and a half, pretty much singlehandedly.  Most time consuming was bolting the back plate to the house, digging holes for the concrete, and getting the thing square and level.  Will look good when stained, but that won't be for a while, rain forecast much of the week.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job..... Roya's has a talented partner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
