Now that I've seen there are still plenty of Hoka Clifton 1 shoes in my size on Ebay if I buy the women's equivalent size, I'm stocking up. Used men's Clifton 1s are really not available in my size. After buying a pair of the gray women's Clifton 1's in my size, it seems the only remaining models are the least desirable colors... namely the hideous coral/green, which I've bought 3 of. The most recent pair was like new, very pleased with the purchase.

There have been 7 versions of the Clifton, none better than the original. The Clifton 1 was originally issued in 2014 and sold out quickly. Due to popular pressure on the Hoka company, they reissued the Clifton 1 in 2018, and again it sold out quickly. The only Clifton 1s left are likely the 2018 reissues, which are identical to the original 2014 version. In the photo, you can see the original men's blue color, which I have 2 pair of, one still new. The second is the women's size 8.5 in the color that there are presently most of. And the last is the gray/orange, which is rare. I did ditch the pink shoelaces that both women's models came with. They cost with tax between $40-65... most less than half the original $120.
Why Clifton 1s? The Hoka Clifton 1 training shoe is the best and most revolutionary training shoe I've ever worn. You will not find a shoe this light, this flexible, and with this much soft cushion. They weigh 6.9 oz in my size. (The Hoka Rincons come close, similar weight, just a little stiffer). These shoes have essentially saved my feet and my knees, and have extended my longevity as a masters sprinter. After they were reissued in 2018, they will likely never be produced again. The Hoka Clifton 1 is a magical shoe. Other versions of the Clifton are all heavier and not quite as good, although they are more durable.
The new model Cliftons have traded weight for more durability and are about 1.7 oz heavier and less flexible. I use the Clifton 3s to do pavement running up hills, non-running workouts, biking, and warmups, they're not bad. I think I liked the Clifton 6s next, but nothing like the Clifton 1s. I was initially skeptical you could sprint with this much padding, but the first time I did, I was like, holy shit... it's like running on springs. Might be a little sloppy for a big heavier person, but perfect for me at 144 lbs.
So, I think I'll stop now... I will have 6 pair of these Clifton 1s if my Ebay bids come through (3 green pair), I also have 6 pair of Clifton 3's although 3 or 4 pair of them are officially worn out. I have one new pair Clifton 3.
The only downside of the Clifton 1s are durability. They hold up pretty well on the track but will wear quickly on pavement due to the sections of exposed EVA foam on the sole. I've been able to lengthen the life of these shoes by applying a coating of Shoe Goo liquid rubber to the outer sections of EVA foam on the sole where I strike. So... I should be good for training shoes for years.
With deaths and infections out of control now in the USA, I've pretty much decided it will be too risky to race in any indoor meets this season. We'll see. Maybe by February, I don't know, but I doubt it. It's crazy. It's clearly the most dangerous time of the most dangerous health emergency in a century, with nearly a quarter million people newly infected just yesterday, and with 11,000 dead in the last 4 days. Not only is this due to a negligent lying President, but his supporters and media are downplaying it and objecting to mitigation measures even now. You wouldn't even know the magnitude of the pandemic if you look at Fox News. Not only do Trump's supporters reject lockdowns and mask wearing, but they reject the vaccines. Looking at the FB page of my moron congresswoman, Blackburn, nearly all of her followers have commented they will never take the vaccine because the virus is a 'fake' or it's part of a "Bill Gates microchip conspiracy." Not surprising for a poorly educated group who all believe the election was stolen and we all descended from Noah.
Not really happy with what is going on in America. I know it is selfish to say this with all these deaths, but for me, it was these dumbasses - Trump and his supporters that directly caused and exacerbated the spread of this virus, and denying me the chance for at least 2 more National titles. Of course they'll blame China and everyone but themselves and their cult leader, but the fact is, China, Singapore, Japan, Australia, S. Korea, Finland, New Zealand, and many other countries have successfully contained the virus, where the US has failed miserably. Not China virus, Trump virus.
It looks very well like I may be able to end the season ranked #1 in the World in the M60 400m, but it won't be seen as legit as a 'normal year' mark. 2020 has not been a normal year.
Next weekend will be a large masters meet in FL. I'd be a bit worried if I were going to that. Nevertheless, I expect some times that will rearrange the world rankings since Alan T, Don M, and Lyon F will all be competing. I don't know if there will be a threat to my 400m WL, but I doubt it. If there is, it will likely come from Australia. I think the European season is finished.
After a miserable cold, foggy, rainy day yesterday, finally some decent weather. I'll be running again later today, but I really have to force myself to stay on the turf more than the track, preserve and protect, and look toward the spring / summer.