Saturday, October 24, 2020

tempo 150s on turf, virus nation

 Cool and wet in Sewanee, 55º, light winds, moderate fog with visibilities occasionally down to 80m, track and turf were wet.    A bit sore from running hard 150s with spikes last time, so I stayed on the turf today.  Pretty much have abandoned the idea of racing Sat and I'm going into 'extensive tempo' off-season mode.  Nothing real fast.  

Hoka trainers on

stretches, drills, 2 x 100m

4 x 150m w/ 30 sec rest on turf ~ 23-24.5

2 x 150 on turf - 20.23, 20.17


Good to get it done.  900m of volume and the tempo set was tiring.  144.5 lbs after workout.

I'm exceptionally pissed right now at American leadership and the citizens that are spreading this virus.  My state had its highest day for deaths and infections yesterday.  I had a very high likelihood to have won 2 more National Masters titles, this past summer outdoors and this early spring, indoors... but such opportunities, due to the way our leadership has handled this pandemic, and the general science-denying attitude of Trump supporters, have all but sealed our fate as athletes.  Likely there will be no national or international masters competition for the next year 2021.  And, my world leading time in the 400m this year is also tainted, because it's not a normal year, but a 'covid year.'  Although posting times behind me are some pretty fast dudes, like Benoit Z. - world champion in 2015 and 2017, Trevor Y. - Aussie national record holder and Silver medalist in Perth.  

The US just saw it's highest day of infections also on Friday, more than double the number of the April peak.  The decision on the World Championships will be made by Jan 15, right at the time the pandemic may be peaking in the US.   Slim chance they'll go ahead with it, and the ultimate indignity would be if they did, and banned the USA.  Finland has 1/20th the covid death rate of the US and I'm sure they are appalled at the way it is being handled here.  

Trump is going around the country giving super spreader rallies, one most recently at my parents retirement community, and almost no one is wearing masks.  An analysis shows these rallies are actively spreading the virus.  It's a terrible situation and the foundation for this terrible spike in infections and deaths has already been put in place, due to irresponsible and ignorant leadership, and public science denial.  Not much we can do about it now, except hunker down and avoid the dumbass super spreaders.  This is not just 'my opinion' ... it is the opinion of the world's leading medical journal:  The New England Journal of Medicine, whose article stated the Trump administration has: "taken a crisis and turned it into a tragedy. The magnitude of this failure is astonishing"

But for me personally, my colleges are doing pretty well, only about 50 infected at MTSU, and only a couple in Sewanee.  Sewanee's testing facility is first class.  And they are doing saliva tests, so no uncomfortable nose swabs.  It's very safe here, they have an initiative called 'protect the bubble.'   This university was founded in the 19th century as a refuge for people to escape pandemics, because of the isolated nature of this place.  It's a good place to be.

Stay safe my friends, it's going to be a rough winter.

Here's a photo from my 2nd Raccoon Mtn bike climb on Mon.

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