Thursday, March 24, 2022

Stadium stairs

 At the MTSU stadium to run stairs this morning at 9am, was brisk 48º and sunny.  Everything went ok, felt fine, except for my loss of fitness.  I just did 12x to see if it would cause any soreness to my ham, but no adverse effects noticed at all.  Got to be patient.  Would like to start running this weekend, but will opt for a brief 100m hill session by Sunday or Monday, more cross training and rehab.   Definitely improvement, and feeling like I'm on schedule to start running on the track in 10 days or so.  

It's going to be a long slog, starting again, essentially where I was in Nov.  I'm reasonably fit, 142.3 lbs after workout today, but 'fit' and '400m fit' are 2 different worlds.


12x stadium stair sprints

Will try to keep to this schedule for next 10+ days:


Thurs - run stadium stairs

Fri. - stage 1 exercises / bike

Sat. - stage 2 / 3

Sun. - run hills 

Mon. - stage 1 / bike

Tues. - stage 2/3

Wed. - rest 


I talked with my brother the other day and he has this notion that there 'must be' some masters aged athletes out there who don't compete but could be top world ranked, like former elites, etc...   I think he may be right when discussing age groups below M55, but as we saw at Indoor Nationals, just being well enough to make it to the start line, is an accomplishment for the over 60.  (Personally, I value world rankings above who wins a championship).  Yea, there maybe some 50+ yr old Maasai warriors in the Kenyon bush that could race a world class masters long distance event, but sprinting is a whole other world.  Nobody but nobody over age 60 sprints a 400m in less than 59 seconds without a great deal of serious, specific, and long term committed training.  I don't care who they, are or how fast they were.  I've raced Olympians before, like Sunder N. and Ray S., and they certainly were not out of my league, even at M50 and M55.  

Early spring cool down next 2 days, low 50ºs with a frost for Sat night.

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