Friday, February 19, 2021

tempo 300s

Still freezing, but quite nice at the track with bright sunshine, light NW wind and 30º.  The sun made all the difference.   This workout was the best I've had in a while, not particularly fast but my foot felt fine, and I completed the tempo set.   Despite the cold weather, there was steam coming off the drying track and the trees around the track and all over town were stunningly beautiful from yesterday's freezing fog and sub freezing temperatures last night and today.  The contrast between the bright blue skies and the white crystalline trees was amazing.   It was about the warmest freezing day I've ever trained in.

Steaming track

Speaking of tempo workouts, I asked this question to the Masters Track FB Group:

Of the 3 variables in an intensive tempo set: speed of reps, rest time, and total volume (number of reps) ... which is the most important to NOT compromise when working over a season, or as a masters athlete ages and gets slower? How do you prioritize these variables? For example, give up a rep and run a little faster, or maintain volume and reduce speed and/or increase rest?

For me, I try and prioritize volume.  That's what I did today.  I was determined to get 4 x 300m w/ 2:30 rest.  And I did.  I knew it would be slower than I ran on a warm day in Jan., but really only a fraction of a sec slower on avg.  

Hoka trainers on

stretches, drills, 2 x 100m

4 x 300m w/ 2:30 rest - 51.50, 51.29, 52.41, 51.68  (avg 51.72)

Assuming race pace for me is about 41 for a 300m split in a 400m race, 51 would be about 80% speed, the low limit for intensive tempo.  So in theory, I should increase rest or decrease volume if I can not average under 52.  But, at this point of the season, I feel it's important to prioritize volume, as long as the avg speed is close to 80%.  This is not a real popular opinion.  Most sprinters would go with quality over volume.  As I approached the World Championships in '17, I did just that, went to 3x300m but faster.   

Today, I was determined to complete 4 reps, so instead of starting my first few reps in 49, I went 51.  It worked.  I was able to maintain a relatively consistent pace throughout and the total avg was just a fraction slower (0.36) than the set I did in January on that warm day.   In that set, my last rep was 54.75, which dragged down my avg and was much slower than 80% speed.   

Best about this workout is that my foot felt fine.  

One of my main challenges is presently weight.  I was about 145 just before workout and I forgot to weigh myself after this workout, but I'm hanging in a daily range generally between 144-147, give or take a half lb.  Back in July, in the 2 weeks before my 400m race, I was weighing 141 lbs after workout.   I know my body and I know I'm carrying excess weight, but I know what to do.  

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