Sunday, April 24, 2022

Tempo 300s

Beautiful evening in Sewanee, 72º and a south breeze.  My first 300m tempo set and it was pretty rough.  Judging by this workout, I was probably in better shape last November.   It was especially hard I think because it was my first tempo 300 set in months and because I spent 11-12 hours on my feet yesterday working around my house, then again this morning and afternoon, so I did still feel the injury and foot soreness.  And, I've been quasi-fasting, eating very little in an effort to lose this last bit of fat.

Hoka trainers on

stretches, drills, 2x100, bands

3 x 300m w/ 3:00 rest - 50.07, 51.13, 55.56  (52.23 avg)

Yes, it was hard.  My second one felt kind of like my 3rd one usually feels.  Thoughts of me getting 4x were quickly diminished.  2 min after the third rep, my heart rate was still at 162 bpm.   I knew this was going to be hard.  And it is.  I was doing 4x300 w/ 3m avg 51.1 end of January - after the initial injury.  I was also lighter.  I need to be at least at that point before end of next month.    Now, have to fine tune my diet, strengthen, cross train.   

141.5 lbs after workout.  Not because I've lost the fat, but because I'm empty.  Have a ways to go.  


  1. I like the tempo 300 workout! 3x300 would be my limit at M67. Will add to my workout list after I compete at the National Senior Games May 12-16. Need to focus on starts, getting my steps down for the long jump, maximum velocity, and tapering the next two weeks. Thanks for the comments on my post.

  2. Not sure why anonymous? I’m Wayne Fisher, M67, Georgetown, TX.

    1. Tell you this Wayne, 400m training has helped me improve in every race from the 100 to the 800.
