Friday, August 30, 2024


 Spent 6 hrs getting my winter supply of wood cut and stacked, and unfortunately, it was during the hottest weather of the yr.  It hit a year high of 94º on Thurs.   

A friend invited me to cut up his downed oak.  Said it had been down 2 yrs but was unfortunately very heavy and not as dry as I hoped.  I loaded a dozen 2.5' disks on the trailer with a bunch of smaller stuff.  Usually I could lift chunks that big but these were really heavy.  I did the cutting and loading on Thurs, the unloading, splitting and stacking on Fri.  This wood won't be ready to burn til probably Jan or Feb at the earliest.  

I should have enough seasoned wood to last until Jan at least, depending on the climate.   Last year, we had that incredible cold snap and snow in Jan where it got down to 0ºF and the wood insert easily heated the upstairs.   (That cold snap killed a few plants that I had had since college, they were huge and 35+ yrs old!).  

This is really hard work on the back, hands and feet for me.  I'm going to probably bike tomorrow and rest for a few days before I run again on Tues.  

1 comment:

  1. Your body (or back anyway) is holding up better than mine. I don’t think I could do it, or if I did I’d be laid up for a week with back pain. It was a struggle to shovel snow last winter. Can’t imagine moving all that wood.
