Saturday, August 24, 2024

Slow bike climb, new track

Yesterday I did an easy bike climb with comfortable effort.  More of a general calorie burning and strength exercise.  3 min slower than Thursday's climb.  Really kept it in granny gear much of the time and rested on the flats.

Roark's cove bike climb

time:  26:05 min

Max HR - 174

Avg HR - 151

HR over 170 - 2:22

Avg speed - 5.33 mph
Even though I've been on the track just once per week in the past 2 weeks, my quads are sore from those minimal workouts.  Really goes to show the specificity of sprinting can't be duplicated easily.  My foot is still recovering from the alpine hiking and my shoulder is still recovering from the injury a month ago.  I can do pullups but barely do pushups, just a few.  

Huge difference in the heart rate summaries for these past 2 rides.  

Bodyweight not bad for off season and considering the dietary abuse during vacation.

145.4 lbs - noon Sat.

May continue today with another bike climb, take tomorrow off, then try the new track on Mon.


The new Sewanee track is beautiful.  I wish I could tolerate training more but I need to limit myself to just one running workout a week through Sept.  The ramp up beginning in Oct.

Out with the old and in with the new.

It’s with mixed feelings I say goodbye to Sewanee’s old Coughlan Track. I’ve trained on this track in all conditions, from a 5ºF windchill to a 105ºF heat index. I put in about 2000 training sessions on that old track in the past 14 yrs, it's where I earned 9 USATF National Masters titles and 4 individual World WMAC medals. Looking forward to beginning again on this incredible new surface.

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