Thursday, August 22, 2024

150s at altitude

I said I wouldn't even think about training while on vacation, but after a rainy weekend, Monday was beautiful and we checked out of our hotel, we had some time to kill so we went to the track.

I found the track a bit weird.  It was a 6 lane track, but that wasn't unusual, the fact that there were no markings for the 200m or 400m staggers was weird.   So I started at the estimated 200m mark in lane 5 and ran what I thought was a 200m.  After cruising through the line in 24ish.... it dawned on me.  This is not a 400m track.  It is 300m.   It felt really labored and a bit painful.  The second one was a little better.

Hoka Rincon trainers on

stretches, drills, 100m

2 x 150m strides - 24.8, 23.8

I just got back to Sewanee and I expect the new track should be lined and finished by now.  Going up there later today.  Will be tempting to run on but I should really keep my running to 1x per week.  My feet really took a beating hiking the rugged trails in the Alps.  I used the Hoka Bondi 8s for the first long hike and the Hoka Rincons for the second hike.  The Bondi 8s did ok, the Rincons were too light.  The new Bondi 8's have an exceptionally wide forefoot, especially on the lateral side.  I really like that although too heavy and stiff for running.   

Was almost 149 lbs after returning Wed night.  146 lbs this morning so, not too much damage.  Be back to normal soon.  Need to be to lessen the impact. 

Nice to train at the foot of Mont Blanc.  


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