Sunday, September 1, 2024

bike climb

Back on the bike to burn some calories.  Been holding at 145-146 lbs and really difficult to get any weight off.  Seems that once I put on that nominal 4-5 lbs, it's really hard to lose.  I'm probably 15% body fat, and like to be 10-11%.  Losing that last 4% is tough.  

I did a moderate effort climb yesterday in a light rain, which made it feel a bit easier.  Was going to do bike sprints afterward but the rain picked up.

Roark's cove rd bike climb - 23:24

Avg HR - 161

Max HR - 183

HR over 170 - 9:50

HR over 180 - 2:18

Avg Speed - 6.00 mph

It was fairly comfortable and I didn't reach near max HR right until the final sprint at the end.   

Today, did pullups, ab wheel, pushups, and house/yard work.   Shoulder still healing but I can 18 pullups and 15 pushups.  

Hoping to run next on Monday or Tues.  Will likely be 100m tempo repeats on turf.  


  1. I was curious about how much power you are putting out so I ran your PR on a calculator. At 142 lbs, 18:45 for 2.5 miles at 6.8% grade 205 watts. That is reasonable. On my recumbent bike with 155mm cranks my recent 30 minute training sessions I’m averaging about 210, which is a workout but I’m not killing myself. Hard to be motivated indoors. There is also power penalty being recumbent and using cranks that are too short for me (both are easier on the body). I suspect 155’s would boost your power 5 percent. I hurt my back twice this summer and it’s been a terrible wildfire year so not doing much and not in great shape. Anyway when you are peaked we are pretty compatible- I’m sure my leg length gives biomechanical advantage for sustained output. For reference last year when in shape I did 20 minutes indoor at 230 watts on the recumbent and short cranks. Pretty sure I was exceeding that outdoors but I don’t have a power meter on my bike.

