Saturday, August 10, 2024


Leaving Sewanee tomorrow for ATL then the French Alps in Chamonix.  

Before I left, Dr. Scott persuaded me to do a ride so I suggested a fairly challenging motocross trip down from Jackson Point into Sweeton Cove.  It wasn't bad.  I'd say difficulty of a 5 out of 10.  Certainly have done much more difficult, but don't take those chances anymore.   Good to have him with me on this ride due to my aging 23 yr old Sherpa.  But it's still running strong.  Should be after having the head rebuilt.  

In another life about 17-18 yrs ago, I used to do a huge amount of risky solo wilderness off road motorcycling.  I even wrote two articles for Adventure Motorcycle Magazine.  The reason I never had generally rode with anyone is that the terrain I used to tackle was so risky, I didn't want to get anyone hurt or feel responsible.  

I've been riding motorcycles for 52 yrs on and off.  I had a casual interest in 'trials motorcycling' and once made a visit to the Trials Training Center in Sequatchie, TN.  I always considered trials motorcycling as the ultimate in 'athletics meets motorcycling.'    It's really more popular in Europe.  If you don't know what trials motorcycling is, look up some videos.  Here's a video I took of a British rider training at the TTC.   True trials bikes are super light and don't have seats.  It's all stand up, all the time.    

This may be my last post for a while.  I'll probably update with some hiking photos from France.

Au revoir



  1. When I was doing my adventure mountain bike rides (to approximately 40 mountain summits within a 4 hr drive from Boise) on primitive forest service roads I was tempted to, and sometimes would, ride a motorcycle trail. Even if it isn’t particularly rocky too difficult for a mountain bike, mainly the steepness. There are tons of mountain motorcycle trails in Idaho. Many will not be particularly challenging for long stretches as they will follow ridge lines but will go to really cool and remote places. I’m sure you could find super challenging stuff too.

  2. I just left Chamonix a few days ago. I’m sure you’re planning to go up to L’Aiguille du Midi - if you aren’t planning to do the additional “Panoramic “ cable car across the glaciers, you should. We also did a nice hike off of the route of the Mt Blanc tramway. And I’d highly suggest a visit to nearby Annecy - 90 mins by bus and a really unique place. Finally by far the best restaurant we ate at in Chamonix was Josephine. Have a great trip!

    1. We rode every lift and tramway available with the multipass for 5 days. Staying last night at Le Palace De Menthon, Annecy. Biked around the city.
