Sunday, August 4, 2024

Hard climb and easy climb

This is my sixth bike climb in 7 days.  I've found that I can make this easy or very hard.  This is becoming an almost daily routine.  

The Friday climb was essentially the same speed as the crazy high HR one I did on Mon., which was a major outlier, caused by starting too fast.  I did reach Max HR of 185 but only spent 9:22 over 170, Avg HR at 163, with an avg speed of 6.3 mph, same time of 23:20.  HR Time over 170 only half what it was Mon.

The Saturday climb was the opposite.  I did it as slow as possible without stopping or putting my foot down, looking to make it close to a true zone 2 or 3 workout.  I put the Olympics on my phone to watch, and pedaling slowly climbing the hills at no more than 4 mph.  I achieved the goal, Max HR only 161, avg HR 140, and avg speed only 4.7 mph.  It took me 30 min to make the climb.   HR was below 144 for 63% of the climb or 20:30, 153-163 only 2:07.

Friday Bike climb 

Roark's Cove Rd - 23:20

Max HR - 185

HR over 170 - 9:22

Avg HR - 163

Avg speed - 6.3 mph

Sat bike climb

Roark's Cove Rd - 30:10

Max HR - 161

HR over 170 - 0:00

Avg HR - 140

Avg speed - 4.7 mph

This is essentially my last full week of summer vacation in Sewanee coming up.  It's been a full 8 weeks with no running.  The weather looks awesome this week, no rain, mid 80s.  I may do one brief turf running session before I leave on vacation next weekend for the French Alps for a week of hiking and eating with Roya.   My only regret this summer is hurting my shoulder.  I definitely thing I broke something like my collar bone or some part of the cartilage.  It's functional but still hurts a bit.   

When I get to Sewanee sometime before the last weekend in Aug, school starts the following week.  

The new Sewanee track should be installed by then, and I'll start once/week track workouts, probably will stay at once a week through Sept.  


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