Friday, April 19, 2024

100, 300, pre race day

Went out to do a light workout before my return to racing tomorrow.  Great weather.   70º and partly cloudy, light winds.  I wanted to try out lane 3 for tomorrow's race but I'm thinking they'll combine my 3 person heat with the previous.  

Hoka trainers on

stretches, drills, bands, 100m

Hoka Rocket X2s on

100m - 13.88

300m - 43.62 (28.44, 15.18)

The 300m felt ok.  I was NOT at all spent at the top of the home stretch.  If I pace correctly, I might come close to 60 tomorrow.  I'm really going to try and restrain myself and run the first 200m really easy.  My HR never exceeded 160 during or after this 300m so I'm feeling ok about it.  

This Sewanee meet is just a 12 min drive from my house, so I couldn't resist.   I was put in a 5th heat with two really slow seeds (over a minute) but I'm fairly sure one of them is a fake seed.  "Ben Doverman"  seeded at 71.  Come   99% that is a fake seed name (because we don't have to pay to register).  So, I'll either run with just one slow guy or they'll put us in lanes 6 and 7 with the previous heat, which is likely.  Slowest person in the previous heat is 56.6, but if the other guy shows up, I won't be last.  (He's never run under 61 and I beat him by a lot at Sewanee's indoor meet).   

This will be the very last track meet on this 20+ yr old track that is badly in need of a resurface.  The new track is going in next month but it may take much of the summer to get it done.    Fortunately, I'll be off for most of the summer from racing.  Probably won't race after May.   We'll see.  I can train at St Andrews.  Unfortunately, no shade or bathrooms there.   I'm a little nostalgic about seeing the old track go that I've been training on for 14 yrs.   It's not the fastest track but it's soft and good to train on.  

I'm really happy with the way the injury is healing.  I can barely feel any issues at all when stretching.  I should be good to go for Penn on Thursday but really need this time trial to get my bearings for a 400m in my present state of fitness.     

Not going to be really light for tomorrow's race, definitely over 140.  140.5 lbs after workout.  


  1. So it looks like your HR for your first 300 m interval for a recent workout was much higher than this pre race run which was faster. Is that right? Any explanation? Your graphs look similar to this graph from a noise standpoint, the author is pointing out coros 3 inaccuracies. Coros makes a chest strap, right?,rate%20rapidly%20increases%20or%20decreases.

    1. Its possible to have a higher HR for a slower race time if you are less well recovered, time of day, weather, hydration/nutrition, less sleep, poor race pacing.

    2. I'm sure any optical HR monitor on a watch would not be super accurate, that's why I use the arm strap which is supposedly more accurate.

  2. Possible but unlikely to be 15 to 20 BPM lower.
