Monday, January 16, 2023

500, split 400

 50º, cloudy with a moderate SW wind blowing up the home stretch.   Still feel in a state of recovery from last weeks training.  

The meet was a bust, had lane 2, ran over a minute, and pretty much fell apart on the last 100m.  Maybe I'll discuss it later but it's not worth it to me.  Suffice it to say, not a good outing after not a good week of training.  My race was nominal except for the last 100m, it just seemed as if I had to spend more effort in lane 2 to get to 300m than I'm used to.  It really showed I need form work and work on running turns.  Disappointed but not deterred by the failure.  Just glad I can still run in a college meet at 62+. 

I seem to have accumulated a bit of training fatigue, aches and pains, so I didn't do a big volume day today, but it was very hard, especially running into the headwind on the 3rd 100m.  

Hoka trainers on

stretches, drills, 2x100

500m - 83.71 (64.68, 19.03)

'split 400m' - 300m  - 45.60 / 1 min rest / 100m - 15.97

Went out pretty hard in the 500m, struggled home in 19.  

Hoping to get out tomorrow and possibly taking Wed and Thurs off.  I may do some strength work like sled pulls and or hills. 

Up a bit in weight, but still light.  139.5 lbs after workout.  

Starting back to teaching this week and with Roya leaving, I'll be able to refocus on my training.   

My 58th college meet since age 51.



  1. Plotting 400M world record times by age group shows two distinct slopes, slope from 35 to 70 years is 0.32 seconds per year and from 70 to 90 is 2.1 seconds per year. If over the last 10 years you have lost less than 3.2 seconds in 400 meters you are ahead of the game.

  2. Statistics are also very good, R square of .99 for first time interval and .97 for second. The second interval looks like a polynomial equation would fit a little better but not much. Linear works.
