Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Mobility, bands, short sprints, bike climb

I wasn't going to run today but I went to the track to stretch and do some mobility and band work.  Very warm and light winds at the track, mid 70ºs.  Since I was there, I cautiously ran some faster rolling short sprints.   Nothing all out, but somewhere close to 400m race pace.  It felt clunky, and a bit painful at first, since I was on the track  yesterday, but it got better.  

Hoka trainers on

stretches, drills, bands, planks, 2 x 50

3 x 50m - 6.97, 6.92, 6.47

2 x 100m - 13.43, 13.29

bike climb up Roark's Cove Rd. - 23m+

The bike climb felt really hard and it was a good effort, fairly fast.  

Unfortunately, the injury area was more sore today than previous workouts but not bad.  Still feel like I'm holding back a tad.  Foot hurt as well in the beginning, so I'm going to take Wednesday off from the track and focus on strength and re/prehab.  Doing 2 days in a row, even this low volume isn't something I should do for a while.  Still hoping to run a hard 300m or even split 400m to see where I am.  I'm estimating I'm about in 60-61 shape right now.  Maybe better.  

I'm going to go to the gym and lift tonight.

Time to get rid of this extra weight.  I want to be below 140 after workouts.  Was 141.8 today after workout.  


  1. Hello sir, I want to thank you. I have not run in a track meet since 1977. I ran with my 5 year old grandson in Ireland last July. He said "papa" you run fast. I started researching, found you on you tube. You inspired me to train. I do have a question. How do you time yourself?
