Friday, September 24, 2021

More stadium stairs / Blood work results

Thursdays are becoming my stadium stair day.  Yesterday I did 16x.  Better than the previous 13x.  Left quad was a bit sore last night, but this morning OK.  I think I'll try to increase by 3 each week til I run out of daylight.  


16x stadium stairs 

My weight is still good.  I'm eating fish again and more protein.  141 lbs after workout.

Blood work
After trying a egg heavy diet in Feb - April, my May blood work showed a elevated cholesterol of 281, LDL 201.  The LDL was considered 'very high'.  I spoke with my friend Gary, the heart surgeon, and he also recommended other tests, inflammation markers: Sed Rate, CRP.    My doc challenged me, he said last May, "The ball is in your court.  We'll retest you in Sept."  ... also with a mention of possibly going on statin drugs.  That was enough of an initiative.  

I gave up eggs 100% immediately in May.  Only skim milk.  No more butter blend, just olive oil.  After track season, I gave up all meat and the only non-vegan food I was eating was skim milk and an occasional scoop of whey protein powder.  

Here are the pertinent results:

Total Cholesterol:
May: 281
Sept: 161

May: 201
Sept: 105

May: 256
Sept: 477

The results were quite dramatic, but I also think the time of day being tested had a lot to do with the real low T level in May.  I got tested very late in the day while I was tired, hungry, and run down.  256 T level is low.  477 probably right in the mid range for a 61 yr old. 

I must say, after looking at some over 50 fitness groups, the prevalence of testosterone abuse is epidemic.  I can't believe how widespread it is.  I'm happy to be involved in a sport that naturally increases my hormone levels and strictly forbids the use of such PEDs.  I would never use that stuff, even if I were not competing.  

That said, there is an individual who is quite high in the sprint rankings in M60, yet he has apparently never competed in an event in which there is drug testing - like a USATF or World Championship, despite apparently competing in other non-testing events in the same location, and no one in the masters track community knows him.  It does raise suspicions, and not just with me.

Anyway, happy for these results.  Definite proof of the dietary effect of egg consumption, for me... anecdotally of course.  

I've gone back to eating occasional lean meat protein.  But still often eat vegan meals. 

Here's the veggie pasta I had last night with konjac noodles.  TWO huge plates of this are less than 300 calories and very low carb.  If these were traditional pasta noodles, it would be more like 1000 calories.  It's called 'having your cake and eating it too' ... you make compromises.  The benefits are big.

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