Thursday, July 28, 2016

Return to the track

First time on the track in 10 days... and despite the rain, it felt good.  No more hip pain, foot pain was minimal, and I felt like I had a 'spring in my step.'  Didn't work real hard but got some introductory foundation.   It was 71º and raining lightly at the Sewanee track.
Saucony trainers on 
400m warmup, stretches, drills 
800m - 2:36 
400m - 66 (34/32)
I think I'll endeavor to do a bit more next time, probably next week at some point.   Will limit myself to one or 2 workouts a week til mid-August.   Got another pair of Hokas, Clifton 2's for my birthday, from Roya.  I hope they are as good as the Clifton 1's.  I didn't want to use them today because it was raining.  After all the hot weather, it felt good today to be in the cool wet weather.

Not much damage from the time off.   Despite some huge meals and a lot of bread, I weighed only 144 lbs after workout tonight.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Photo: 200m finish M55 Masters Nationals

200m Finals for the Silver. 24.74 (M55)
Finish photo from the USATF Masters National Championships in Grand Rapids, MI 7/24/16 

Ray Smith in red, Val Barnwell in black.  Val was a Masters World Championship and is a former masters world record holder.

Well across the finish line, race clock reads 24.7

Still from the 200m compilation of 200m races by Ken Stone.  
Here's the video excerpt from my race:

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


In order to watch on demand videos of the USATF Masters Nationals from Runnerspace/ USATF TV, you have to pay a subscription fee.   Usually, the race videos are pretty good.   Unfortunately, my M55 200m Championship Final was about the worst race video I've ever seen.   I'm absent from the frame in most of the race, and the entire field runs off the frame at the beginning.  Not good for a subscription service.

Gold - Don McGee - 23.90
(exhibition - Karl Smith - Jamaica - 24.36)
Silver - William Yelverton - 24.74
Bronze - Val Barnwell - 24.82

Also, on the USATF TV page, the photo they chose for the Masters Nationals couldn't have been worse.   It showed an ancient walker, alone on the track, no one in the stands.... painting a rather bleak affair.  Not exactly what it looked like.

Here's a screen shot:

IAAF World Junior Championships

IAAF World Junior Championships from Poland - finally found a stream that works, and it's in English.

Wow, really impressed by the Italian 18 yr old Fillipo Tortu that just ran a 10.26 100m winning his heat.   Best running form I've seen in a while.

The above link doesn't work today Thurs., July 21.  Try this one:


I registered for the WMA Championships in Perth today.  Pretty hefty entry fee, $195 US.

I see there is stiff competition, including last years Silver medalist from Brazil, a few sub-56 Brits, and a few fast Aussies.  It'll be every bit as competitive or even more so than Lyon.  Many of the 400m guys are only participating in that one event and not doing the 200m.

There are about 2 dozen registered for the M55 400m, that number will at least double, probably triple by the time registration is closed in a month (Aug 24).

I leave Oct 27, arrive the morning of the 29th, 30th is a rest day, competition starts with the 200m prelims on the 31st.  I've got a pretty nice place on the beach, should be nice.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

USATF Masters Outdoor Nationals 2016 - final thoughts

Well.... so far, 2016 has been a good year.   Three consecutive 400m National titles - outdoor '15, indoor '16, and outdoor '16.   It's hard to defend a title.   I felt more pressure and more nervous about competing at Nationals as defending champion this year.  Several World Champions went down to Silver and Bronze at this meet.  Me and Antwon D. are the only men who have won 3 consecutive national masters titles in the 400m.

I thought 2015 would be hard to top, but depending on how things go in Perth, 2016 could be comparable.

After the meet, I talked with a lot of my masters colleagues.  Starting to feel like a regular, but really just a newcomer still compared to the old guard.  Some have been doing this 20 yrs, this was my 6th.  It has definitely changed my life and I think, given my friends and family some enjoyment.

My favorite picture was with 'the legends' of masters track: Oscar Peyton, Charles Allie, and Bill Collins.  These men are the fastest in the world over 60 right now and hold World Records in my age group and above.  Charles Allie holds the M55 400m WR - 52.24, Bill Collins - 200m M55 WR - 23.32, Oscar - the 60m M60 record - 7.52.  All are members of the Masters Hall of Fame, Oscar inducted this year.  Bill Collin's book, "The Ageless Athletic Spirit" was a big inspiration for me in my early years of masters track.

Oscar, Charles, me, Bill

I was happy to see Ben James.  He, Jim and I have been fiercely competitive over the years, but we combined with Don to set a World Record for the 4x200m relay in NM in March.  Ben was there to watch and support his wife who is a thrower.  He told me he was taking time off to care for his dad.  Ben, just about to turn 60, is a very quiet and classy guy.  He told me that he takes 2 months off a year and does no running, just cross training.  Good advice.   Like Ben, who has won many titles, world and national, Jim has been around for many years and has been a great mentor for me. I wish I had his running form.

Jim, Ben, me

Don McGee has become the most dominant M55 sprinter in the world.  He beat both Val and Alan -the World Champion in the 100m, running 11.74 into the wind.   Don ran a smokin' wind aided 200m in 23.90... no one was close.  I hope we can get him to run a relay with us again.

Jim, Don, me

Sue from Maine was dominant in all the sprints last year and was able to defend her title in the W50 200m.  She won by quite a bit.  She didn't race the 400m, but took second in the 100m.   She agreed, it is harder to race when defending a title.  

Well, now back in Sewanee for vacation, I've fallen off the diet wagon.  It started at the airport with a 'dinner' of french fries and ice cream.  Lately, have eaten fried fish and potato wedges, sushi, and everything I feel like.   Fitness goes away real fast.  Eating for pleasure - 'food sport' as I call it, is accumulative.  The more you do it, the more you want it.  I find myself eating when I'm not hungry just because something tastes good.  When I'm training and watching my weight, I don't think about eating and don't have that much of an appetite.  I have to dutifully force myself to eat.  But, when suddenly, all options are open, it can easily become an addiction.   It won't last long.  I'll have my annual splurge and it'll be over.   

I'm really in decent shape considering the long season.   No serious injuries this whole season, and the aches and pains aren't too bad.    I'll be taking time off from running.   Not much, just 2 weeks, then I'll start back on the track once or twice a week beginning in August.  In the mean time, I'll be in the weight room, on the bike, and on the rower.   I expect to be back to full scale training on the track by mid-late Aug in preparation for the World Championships.   Fortunately, there is a fall series of Senior Games that will give me some races in Sept. and Oct.   The World Championships will be the first and only time I will ever have raced a track meet in November.   When I get back from Perth, the first indoor meets will be about 4 weeks away.   I'll probably take some time off in Nov. and Dec. and shoot for Indoor Nationals and World Championships in S. Korea.  

Well... that's the plan anyway.  I recognize how tenuous this activity can be, just one injury at the wrong time and it's over.

Saturday, after the 200m semis, I drove to Kirk Park Beach and watched the sunset on Lake Michigan.   Being so far west in the eastern time zone, sunset was at 9:18 and it stayed light until nearly 10pm.   Beautiful... light brown sand, gentle waves, no salt, no sharks...

Sunday, July 17, 2016

USATF Masters National Championships - Sunday meet report

It was a good day.
Silver Medal - 200m - 24.74

 I found my spikes under the tent where I left them on Sat. after the meet, but my night was tough.  Worried about my spikes, and probably too much evening coffee, I could not sleep.  I originally scheduled a wakeup call at 6:30 am, but I changed it to 8:30 when I was still awake at 4:30am.  I think I finally drifted off to sleep by about 6:00 am and woke up rudely at 8:30.

I packed quickly and got to the track.  Rain was forecast and we had quite a tailwind and some sprinkles for the 200m.  While warming up and chatting with Jim and Alan, it looked like the 4x100m relay would be on, as the rain missed us.   But Alan was hurting, he scratched the 200m and our relay was cancelled.   Bummer for the relay, but an improved chance for me to medal in the 200.

The field was: Don - defending outdoor champion and fastest M55 man in the world '15; Val - Silver Medalist in the 100m and former World Champion, Karl - '84 Jamaican Olympian (400H) competing unofficially, Jim - many time World and National Champion, and Ray Smith.   (Val had the dubious distinction of having served a 2 yr doping suspension in '10, he once held the M50 indoor 60m World Record).

Ray in lane 1, Karl in 2, Val in 3, Don in 4, me in 6, Jim in 7.   Unfortunately, the USATF TV camera man failed.   It was the worst 'official' video ever made of a race that I've seen.  At times the whole field is absent from the frame, and only at the beginning and the end, am I in the video.

I was determined to execute this race well.  My plan was to be aggressive at the start and make up the stagger quickly, then just float relaxed until 50m out, then put the hammer down.   It worked well.   Don was gone, silly fast, amazing turnover, way out in front at 23.90... one of the fastest M55 200s ever.  Karl was past PR territory for me running 24.36, Val had a step on me with 20m to go but I got got him in the end by just 0.08.   I think I surprised him.  He said to me afterward, "you strong, dude."  Since Karl was non-US and competing 'exhibition,' I got the Silver, Val the Bronze, Jim close in 4th.  It was a good way to end my Nationals.  

Some rather blurry stills from the video.  I'm in yellow.

M55 Men's 200m Final - coming into the home stretch

Pulling even with Val 10m before the finish
Finish of the M55 200m Championship Final
Afterward, I did some socializing... got some good photos.  Thanked the USATF officials, as I usually do.  I'll post a wrap up when I get home.   It was a great meet.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Video: USATF National Masters Outdoor 400m Championship - M55

Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Friday, July 15, 2016

USATF Masters Athletes' Awards Banquet, 2016

Lapel pin
Friday night, at the Double Tree Hotel in Grand Rapids, I had a comp ticket for the annual Masters Awards Banquet.  It was a nice occasion, good food, and camaraderie.    Inducted into the Masters Hall of Fame was Oscar P., the 6'5" M60 sprinter.    Anselm was honored as the overall male Athlete of the Year and several of us received awards for Athlete of the Year in our age group.

I imagine I'll likely not ever get an award like this again, but you never know.   Very few athletes have won the same event both indoor and outdoor in 2016.  Plus, if I'm able to snag a medal at the World Masters Championships, you never know.  I think Leslie (800m) and I might be the only ones to do that, among those in this photo.

Here are some photos of the group and the schwag...

Men and Women 50-59 USATF Age Group Athletes of the Year
Behind me - Alan in red, Lonnie in blue, Leslie in orange and Sue on Alan's right

USATF Masters National Championships - Sat meet report

200m semis today.  One of the most competitive fields in the world in this event in the M55 age group.   Today in the semis, the top two M55 - Alan and Don ran faster than the world champion in Lyon last yr.  Their 24.40 and 24.38 times were faster than any qualifier in the M50 age group.   Val, who narrowly edged Alan in the 100m (0.002) coasted to a 25 flat.   I was 4th fastest qualifier with a 25.19.   That will again put me in lane 6 for the finals.   Lane 6 is becoming a very familiar lane, with the 3 likely medalists to my inside.   All my races have been out of lane 6.

The pressure is off and I'm enjoying my time here.  Tomorrow, not expecting a medal, but I'm hoping I can run a better time than I did today.   This track is not an especially fast track like last yr in Jax.  There is a fast Jamaican here who may beat me as well but he won't finish in the official placing (as a non-US).  I did run faster than him in the semis though.

Chasing Alan in the 200m semis

The big event tomorrow may be our 4x100m relay team which Jim got together to attempt a record.   I think a world record might be tough to get, but if Val and Alan both run true to form, we have a good shot at an American record, which we set last yr in Lyon (47.10).  The WR is a tall order, 46.16 which means an avg split of 11.54.   Probably not on this track.

I chatted briefly with a masters track institution.  Announcer, Peter Taylor, who is threatening to make this his last outdoor Masters Nationals.  He said he doesn't want to go to Baton Rouge next summer.  Hope he does continue.  He has had a very difficult time due to poor communication with the clerk on heats and entries, which makes his job difficult.   If he leaves, he will be missed.  Greatly.

Right now, I'm off to the beach to watch the sunset on Lake Michigan.

I feel like a douche bag.... I must have left my spikes at the track.   Never have I done this before.  Both pair in the same spike bag.  They couldn't be anywhere else.  These two pair of Pumas aren't made anymore and I've had them for 3 seasons... and three championships.  I hope they are there or I'm screwed.  200m Final tomorrow and 4x100m relay.  Didn't realize they were missing until after midnight.  Probably won't be sleeping well or long tonight... it's 1:30 am and I'm getting up at 6:30am.   Shit.  

Friday, July 15, 2016

USATF Masters National Championships - meet report

Won with my 'B game,' but I got it done...

M55 400m National Champion - 55.93

Due to some bogus seed times, I ended up in lane 6 with all my competition to my inside.  So, I was running blind.  I felt really ready, actually better than yesterday.   The conditions were better today, only mid 70ºs, but a headwind down the back stretch.   Even with good execution it would have been hard to run a fast time today in the wind.  But, I did not execute real well.   Went out a tad fast and rigged in the end, but was able to pull out a win.  Didn't really know what shape Corey would be in, he seeded himself at 54.5... which was quite 'optimistic'.     I was essentially alone the whole race.  After I made up the stagger on the outside lanes, I never saw anyone.

I walked to the start with my training shoes on and didn't have much time to get my spikes on.  Was a bit late in getting out there.   At the start, I flinched and got out OK despite my blocks slipping about 2".   To my surprise, I was called for a false start because of my flinch, and they never even saw my blocks slip.    I thought they called the false start for my blocks slipping, but no.  The second time, I had an official stand on my blocks and I got out safely, not a super quick start but I took it out pretty hard.
400m Championship final - down the back stretch ~ 170m mark
 After about 150m, I was running totally blind.  I kept hearing Pete announcing "Yelverton, Moody" ... so I knew Corey was there.  Going out that fast was a risk, I knew it.  I think my splits were a half second hot, 25.5 / 39.5.   That cost me in the end.   I felt strong coming into the final home stretch with 80m to go, it was fairly close at that point, I had the lead by just a few meters.

The home stretch, here's where the party starts...

Then, I powered ahead... at one point I think by about 7m.   Coming down the stretch, I looked to my left a few times expecting to see Corey or Tyrone...  but no.

With several meters to go, Pete announced, "Bill Yelverton will win it!"  It was a relief since I was rigging up, and wasn't sure where Corey and Jim were.  But despite falling apart, I still won by about 5 meters.

I felt lucky to have pulled it off since I didn't feel real good about the way I ran it.   If I had not took it out so hard, I should have run a half second faster ... at least.  But, a win is a win.

The last 20m

It was a great field.  In our full heat of 9, we had 2 former world champions - Jim and Corey, and Tyrone who won Nationals in '12 (all to my left above).

Looks like '16 is turning out pretty well.  2 more National Championships.

200m semis tomorrow.

Jim, Corey and I - the M55 National Medalists in the 400m

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Pre race day - Masters National Championships

M55 400m heats combined into tomorrow's Final Championship race.

Today was supposed to be the semi-finals at the Masters Nationals in Grand Rapids, MI.   However, due to the numerous no-shows and a nine lane track at Grand Valley State U., our semi-final heats were cancelled and combined into a final that will be run tomorrow.   Same thing that happened last year, except that was due to a weather cancellation.  We had 2 full heats in the semis, but several that were seeded over a minute, or with no time, cancelled.  Seems like for 7 people, racing a 400m seemed like a good idea at the time, but perhaps when they saw the seed times, or for what ever reason, they withdrew.  One interesting thing, there was one person who showed up in the start list but was not listed in the official 'status of entries' page.   I wonder how he got in?

The home stretch, where the champion will emerge
At this time, they haven't assigned lanes yet ... and without a semi, this is where the fake seed times will come in handy.  Jim is presently ranked 4th in the world but is seeded 6th in this meet!  There are some exaggerated seed times, at least 3 or 4 of the top 6 seed times could be exaggerated when compared to actual performances.  I'm second seeded so I will end up in lane 4, 5, or 6.  I think lane 4 with Corey and Tyrone to my outside would be good.  Doesn't matter though, it's still 400m.

Anyway, the conditions were a bit tough today with a stiff cross wind.  Although it was in the mid-80ºs, it did not feel that hot because of the lower humidity and the wind.  For the 400m Championship race tomorrow, it's supposed to be several degrees cooler (74º) and the wind is supposed to be about the same, 11mph gusting to 20mph, but from the NW, which will be a headwind for the backstretch on the S-N situated track with the finish at the south end.

As Jim and I agreed, it would have been nice to race today to see what kind of shape some of these guys are in.  Tyrone said he was in the 'best shape in years'... Corey seemed very optimistic and gung-ho about this meet and season, saying that he was going to Perth Worlds as he just turned 55.

After a full warmup, then a light lunch ... Jim, Chip, and I returned to the track to get a feel for it with spikes.  It's a good IAAF configured track but I had read somewhere on a USATF page that it was a Mondo track, it is NOT Mondo, unfortunately.  It's a blue poly track, similar to many I've run on this year.   Unfortunately, the wind will limit the possibility for stellar times.

So, I did a short workout today after the morning racing session, just running 3 x 120m at near race pace from the start of lanes 4, 5, and 6.
Puma spikes on 
3 x 120m from the 400m start
Felt fine.  The second and third ones felt the best.  This afternoon, took a nice 90 min nap and will go out to Panera for dinner later.  I should be good to go.  Race tomorrow is around 3 pm.

Will update if I am assigned a lane.  They may wait til tomorrow and see if everyone who checked in today, also does tomorrow.

 Our sign in the airport....

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

final workout

Today, on the track in Sewanee, a good final workout.   I imagine the conditions will be similar in MI as they were today here, about 84º breezy and humid.  I got out there about 4:45pm and took my time.
Hoka trainers on 
400m warmup, stretches, drills 
2 x 60m strides 
Puma spikes on 
350m even run from blocks - 47.4 (26, 40) 
3 x blocks starts 
100m from blocks from 400m start - 13
It was my fastest 350m training run.  It might have been one or 2 tenths faster than I logged, so those splits are conservative... I was slightly ahead.  It was right around mid 55 sec 400m pace.  Felt OK.  I really pushed it.  Still think I had enough to finish without rigging but one never knows.  That is the fine line.... too aggressive, rig in the end, slow time.... not aggressive enough, slow time.  Like Gil Roberts in the trials, he fell apart in the end, rigged badly but still finished in second.  Lashawn ate him up in the last 70m, finishing several meters ahead.

Well   ... "the hay is in the barn" ... as much of it as I can fit.   If I'm ever going to PR, this week is my best chance.   All systems go.  Feel healthy and weighed 142.4 lbs after workout.

Weather looks ok for Masters Nationals in Grand Rapids... except for a significant W-SW wind forecast (7-13mph).   It looks like it will be low 80ºs and sunny at race times with little chance of rain.   A west wind would provide a tail wind on the second turn, if it's SW, a tail wind on the home stretch (I think).

I will be arriving fairly early tomorrow so I may go take a look at the track.

The journey
This training season began with infrequent workouts in Sept, Oct, and early Nov, then ramping up to a regular training schedule that has been going on since Nov. 19th.  In the 225 days since Dec. 1, I've been on the track 116 days, more than every other day.  This includes hill and stair workouts, races, but not including weight room days or cross training.   I only took off a significant amount of time from running in May, for 8 days, during which I cross trained on the rower and on the bike.  The early season workout times were only noticeably slower for the last rep in those tempo repeat workouts (like 4x200 w/1 min), but most of the work at my age is just to maintain what I have.  Improvements and PRs are rare and unlikely at this age.

It's always mixed feelings at the end of a season, although with World Championships coming up Nov 1., the off season will be brief, probably just long enough to relax and enjoy the Olympic Games.   It's actually nice that the TN Sr. Games has district meets in Sept. and Oct.  Those I blew off last yr because I really needed a rest after the long season and World Meet.   Considering the frequency of my workouts, my physical health has remained amazingly good since those achy days in early May where I ran that slow poke 100m race in Atlanta (12.42).  I think the Hoka trainers made a big difference on my feet.   I don't intend to let myself slide too far into 'out-of-shapeness'.    I will probably start back to regular track workouts after the Olympics, and in the mean time, maybe just once a week beginning in Aug.

For right now, Grand Rapids, here I come ... I'm ready to rip.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

speed endurance

I thought a good last conditioning workout would be good today.   Didn't want to put the spikes on right away due to a little foot soreness, so I ran a fast long sprint in trainers to start.  I went out at 3:30 pm in the heat, but it wasn't too bad.  84º and a bit less humid today.
Hoka trainers on 
400m warmup, stretches, drills 
500m - 75.8 (60.5, 15.3) 
Puma spikes on 
3 x 200m - 25.5, 26, 26.2
The 500m was the fastest I've run in training shoes.  Shooting for 60/15 and came close.  I know that I need to run that last 100m sub 15 for a PR.   Then I got the spikes on for some fast 200s, surprised that the first one was 25.5.

Will rest tomorrow, maybe do some swimming.  One more light workout on Tues.  Fly Wed, 400m semis on Thursday, 400m Championship Friday, then the 200m.     Well... that pretty much wraps up another season.  'The hay is in the barn.'

Been eating much more hearty and am holding about 143-144ish.

Olympic Trials
What a diverse bunch of Olympians,  from 16 yr old Sydney M (400H), to 34 yr old Gatlin,  and 41 yr olds - Legat (5k) and Meb (marathon).  Sad to see some veterans miss by 0.01 - Felix in the 200m, and A. Merritt in 110H.   Certainly the future of USATF was represented and there was a changing of the guards so to speak.  Two 18 yr olds in the 200m mens final, including Noah Lyles (20.09) who finished 4th and will go to Rio as an alternate.  He broke a 30 yr old HS record.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

event runs

Typical summer weather, low 80ºs and very humid in Sewanee.   Did a nice long warmup and ran 2 300m event runs from blocks in spikes in lane 4.  
Hoka trainers on 
400m warmup, stretches, drills 
2 x 80m striders 
Puma spikes on 
5 block starts from 400m start 
2 x 300m event runs - 40 (13, 13, 14)  40.7 (13.2, 13.1, 14.4)
The first one might have been actually a tad under 40, and I knew the second one wouldn't be as fast, but I stumbled a bit out of the blocks and that cost a few tenths.

The first 300 was good, I totally nailed my splits.  I think it was a pace that would bring 55s.  I hope I have enough 'hay in the barn.'  Feel as good and as fit as I've felt before any championship.   No physical issues.   Light - 141.0 lbs.   Been eating well, had a foot long turkey sub yesterday with extra meat.

Olympic Trials
Wow, 41 yr old Bernard Lagat pulls off a win in the 5K!  Justin Gatlin, who didn't look real strong in the 200m heats, pulled off a win holding off Lashawn from lane 8 in 19.75.  Lot's awesome young sprinters including Noah Lyles who broke a 30 yr old HS record, finishing in 20.09 in 4th, just missing the Olympic team.   The cruel thing about this sport is that some really great competitors who worked really long and hard missed getting on the team... including defending 110H champion Aries Merritt who was 4th by just 0.01 seconds ... a matter of inches.   I hope that Tyson Gay and Mike Rogers make it to Rio in the 4x100m relay pool.  I think they will.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

split 400 / 350 event run

Late afternoon, about 84º with a heat index of 90º at the Sewanee track.  I got the blocks out for a brief speed workout.
Hoka trainers on 
300m warmup, stretches, drills
2 x 60m striders
split 400m from blocks - 300m - 41.5 / rest 1 min / 100m - 14
Puma spikes on 
350m - 48.3
Was a little disappointed in the times as I have run these faster.  Both were in the neighborhood of mid-56 pace.   I was shooting for 40 low at the 300 and both were just above 41.

This being my 8th day on the track in 10 days, I really should take tomorrow off.  That would leave me with just 3 training days before Nationals - probably Sat, Sun, Tues.  

Lightest I've been in a year - 140.2 after workout.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

tempo 300s/200s

Warm beautiful evening in Sewanee, low 80ºs and very humid.   Have to say, considering that I've been on the track 7 of the last 9 days, I feel great.  The usual aches and pains have all but gone away.  I think it's the Hoka trainers, the fact that I'm lighter, and that I've mostly avoided using spikes.   I feel at the end of every workout, I can do more.   Never seem to be satisfied with my preparation.  Today, I did a familiar workout.

Hoka trainers on 
300m warmup, stretches, drills 
4 x 300m w/ 2 min rest - 47.5, 48, 49, 48.5 
4 x 200m w/1 min rest - 30.5, 32, 32, 30
Puma spikes on 
200m turn - 27 

My 300s were pretty solid.   Much suffering on the last of each set.   At the conclusion of the tempo workout, I ran one fast 200m in spikes starting 50m before the turn, and ending 50m after.   I really need to do more work on the turn.   I'll probably devote a workout to this.  If I'm ever going to go under 55, I need that part of my race to be about 27.5.

What a great time of year ... I can watch track almost every day with the European Championships underway, and the US Trials continuing.  Eurovision is carrying the Euro championships.

Monday, July 4, 2016

speed / negative split

In the heat of the day in Sewanee... mid 80ºs and humid.   Aimed to run fast long sprints with negative splits focusing on the last 100m of each run.
Hoka trainers on 
300m warmup, stretches, drills 
2 x 400m - 58.5 (30, 28.5), 58.75 (30, 28.75)
300m - 43.5 
200m - 27

Feelin' ok.   Looking forward to putting the spikes on and doing some event runs.

141.8 lbs after workout.

"This is how it's supposed to look"

"that is as good and as comfortable as you can look as a sub-44 quarter miler... all you budding quarter milers out there, this is how it's supposed to look in the final 100, relaxed and composed."  - Ato Bolden

 UPDATE: Looking at the winnning 400m trials races, I'm amazed at how calculated and disciplined the splits were for both Merritt and Felix.

 Allyson Felix ran splits somewhere around 24.1 / 25.6

 LaShawn Merritt ran splits somewhere around 21.1 / 22.9

What was most impressive was Merritt's 3rd 100m on the turn, in which I think ran about 10.9 or 11 

These were Merritt's approximate splits:
200m - 21.1
200-300m - 11 (32)
300-400m - 11.9


Seems to me I should be able to run 26 / 28.5, but I haven't been able to do it.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

tempo 400s/200s

Did a familiar workout today but felt a bit flat.  81º but extremely humid with showers in the area.
Hoka Trainers  on 
300m warmup, stretches, drills 
3 x 400m w/ 2 min rest - 68, 69, 72.5 
4 x 200m w/ 1 min rest - 30, 31, 33, 30.5
Got home just in time to watch the US Olympic trial 100m and 400m finals.   What a show!

Now it's time to start running fast, doing some event runs, negative split 400s, etc...

141.2 after workout.

Friday, July 1, 2016

4th day in a row

They say 'listen to your body' and my body feels fine, so I hit the track for a 4th day in a row for a brief workout.  In an effort to find new ways to torture myself, I tried some long split intervals.  Working in the hotter part of the day so I can get home to watch the Olympic trials.   Much warmer than last time out, low 80ºs and more humid at the Sewanee track.
Hoka trainers on 
300m warmup, stretches, drills 
split 700m -- 500m - 82 / rest 90 sec / 200m - 30.5 
split 500m -- 300m - 44.5 / rest 90 sec / 200m - 29.5
It was a good sweaty workout and just enough.   In the 500m, I didn't run it too fast, hitting the 400 mark at about 65ish... but was really feelin it after pounding out a 200m 90 sec later.   Didn't take complete rest between sets..    I really felt it was a good one.  I will definitely take tomorrow off.   This has been way more than I usually do in 4 days.... but I feel fine.

141.9 lbs after workout.