Thursday, May 30, 2024

300m, weight pulls, construction

On Tues I started a construction project.  Building a 12' x 8' tool shed by myself.  It definitely taught me one thing:  There is no way if I had a physical labor job could I also be an athlete.  My workouts are sometimes hard but nothing like being on my feet for several hours, lifting, digging, shoveling, mixing 400 lbs of concrete, up and down the ladder, etc...  after 3 days of this, I felt the stress, and not so good for the foot, but a good way burn calories.  So today, I worked only a few hours and decided I needed to do something on the track so I rested and watched the Diamond League Oslo meet replay and went to the SAS track just before sunset.  Beautiful weather, 72º, calm winds, mostly clear skies, dry.  

I was still feeling a slight amount of soreness in my right ham, so I didn't want to run any full out sprints.  

Hoka trainers on

stretches, drills, 100m, bands

Hoka Rocket X2s on

100m - 14.62

300m - 43.41 (13.79, 14.27, 15.35 / 28.06, 15.35)

4 x 3 weight pulls with 90/ lbs - 15 steps, 20 sec rest between reps

I was pretty happy with my 300m, it was almost 400m race pace, but of course I wouldn't have the last 100m right now.  Pushed my HR to 181.

I'm doing weight pulls differently now.  Instead of running longer reps will ample rest, I'm doing short accelerations from start position explosively, replicating the drive phase.  3 in a row then about a 3-4 min rest between sets.  This seems to provide a better strength workout since most of the effort is moving the weights from a stand still.  It gets easier with momentum.  I thought about trying these weight pulls up a hill for more resistance.  

142.9 lbs after workout.

Started my construction project.  Tricky to get everything plumb and square, and do it alone.  Long ways to go.  

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