Wednesday, May 8, 2024

2x200, 150

Yesterday Tues, mid 70ºs, mostly cloudy with a light S wind.  I ran 3 up tempo sprints with long rest, not all out but close, thinking about form.

Hoka trainers on

stretches, drills, bands, 100m

100m on turf - 14.80

Hoka Rocket X2 on

200m -  27.68

200m - 27.31

150 - 20.31

It was much harder than expected, probably due to my detraining.  Just shows how fit I was at one point and how long and hard it was to get there.   Perhaps the addition of a few lbs of body weight has made this a bit harder on the body.   Most interestingly, the first 200m seemed way harder than the second.  HR hit 173 but only 167 on the 2nd one, although the second one was much faster.  The first 100m on both 200s were almost the same (13.29, 13.31) but the second 100 was faster on #2 (14.39 vs 14.00).  That I think resulted in a difference in form, relaxation, and pacing.

Also,  I have been cross training.  Did Stairmaster and one set of weights on Monday night.  Stairmaster was a good sweat, pushed HR to 177 on the final sprint.  Thinking about resistance and a bike climb today.

With no racing firmly planned, I may continue detraining and go to every third day on the track.  I will go again on one day off tomorrow and see how it feels.  Maybe I'll try for a 3x3w/3.   Probably not in shape for that.  

Heavier: 143.5 lbs after workout

One thing I've noticed is that if I am going to maintain an every-other-day training regime (which is not really necessary in the off season), I'll need to have a day of complete rest in between for my foot and joints to recover.  No biking or stairmaster.  Swimming and light resistance ok.


  1. What joints, other than in the feet or ankle, are you trying to preserve by skipping cycling or stair master on off track days?

    1. Knees of course, I had surgery 5+ yrs ago. The foot is weird, today Thursday, felt fine. Higher the speed the greater the impact (ground force) and the harder on the foot.

  2. Hips or back could also be problematic that’s why I asked. For knees shorten the cranks. 150’s or 155’s will be a lot easier on your knees. And hips. You are not tall obviously and for your height you don’t have long legs. So stock cranks are way too long for you. Likely you have excess ankle flex due to the long cranks so shorter cranks might help your foot and ankle also.

  3. My left knee has been a problem for years sometimes it feels like I’m reduced to 1 and 1/2 legs cycling. Mountain biking isn’t as bad but with road cycling when I put out a lot of power (for me anyway) my knee refers pain to my left thigh and a intense ache builds forcing me to back off. Feel nothing in the right leg at that point so it’s definitely limiting me. Not nearly as bad mountain biking- road bikes are more rigid and road is what caused the defect MTB is probably putting the pressure in a slightly different spot on my knee cap. At some point I’m going to look for a surgeon who does partial knee (patella) replacement. I talked to two surgeons here they only do knees on patients who are nearly crippled not patients who are athletically limited. They are out there just not here would have to travel. Skate skiing is mostly ok. Knees get sore but they don’t limit me like in cycling.

    1. See Dr. Robt LaPrade for knees, he is the best. My bike seems to fit, I'm not extending my leg to straight and I don't wear bike shoes to minimize joint movement in the foot.
