Sunday, May 19, 2024

5x180m hills

Visiting parents in FL.  Went out today for a hill workout on pavement.  Quality over quantity.  Last time I did this workout in Dec, I did 10X at about 29.5 avg.  Today, I did these with ample recovery, each rep a little longer so the last one was almost 15 min recovery.  Sounds like a lot but it was in full sun, 92º, humid, heat index about 101º and an occasional breeze.  First one was a warmup, then 4x hard.  

Hoka rocket x2s on

Stretches, drills

5 x 180m hill sprints - 31.20, 28.42, 27.17, 27.42, 27.52

Not sure of the exact distance of that hill but tomorrow, I may go measure it w/ GPS.  It's very close to 170m based on my time.   I rested at the top til my HR dropped to about 140, then walked down and rested again til it dropped to 130. In every case, max HR was observed 20-30 sec after the sprint.  Max was 179 after the fastest rep #3.  Including the rests, i was out there for 45min and HR avg was 145 for the entire period.  

Weight holding about 143ish.

If I get up early, I may go to the track for some short sprints with the local club.   Trying to get my dad interested in throwing the shot.  He's M85 next yr and to throw a 5 lb shot more than 30 feet is world class for that age.  

First time I've used my Rocket X2s on pavement, but I found a deal on some from Hong Kong less than half price so I may demote this pair to hills and pavement.  

Workouts may be spotty this week as I am planning a boat trip Tue-Wed.  Hope to be back Wed for a late PM workout but maybe not til Thurs.  Still planning to race 100/200 or both on Sat.  

UPDATE:  I measured this run with GPS twice and it was 188m.  Running a 190m hill sprint in 27 is pretty good.  Usually run 200m sprints way slower up the much steeper Roarks Cove Rd (like 38ish). I'll call it 180m.  Still, 27 seems too fast.  

1 comment:

  1. Bruneau Dunes State Park is a cool state park about a hour and 20 minutes away that has a couple of sand dunes from a glacier melt flood . One is nearly 500 feet. The smaller one is great for sprint repeats up the steep face, amazing workout. Bonus is that it is low joint stress and fun to run down (great negatives). I was there this weekend. They also rent snow boards and sleds. They are pretty fast but you have to wax every time. I'm sure you would dig it. I'm definitely going back. If i lived close id go often. It be cool to see Mr. Bill compete. He'd do well.
