Tuesday, May 28, 2024

150s, weight pulls

At the SAS track Monday, my new home base for the summer.  I like to train here at sunset because there is no shade (or bathrooms) here.  About 70º, dry and sunny at sunset, calm winds.  

Still a little sore from the meet on Sat but since I'm starting a project tomorrow, I thought I'd get this workout in.  I felt a little soreness in my right ham so it was a little vulnerable.  Ran 150s hard, not all out, working on form.  

Hoka trainers on

Stretches, drills, 100m, bands

100m - 14.50

Hoka Rocket X2s on

150m - 19.88 (6.31, 6.47, 7.10 / 12.78, 7.10 / 6.31, 13.57)

150m - 19.43 (6.17, 6.36, 6.90 / 12.53, 6.90 / 6.17, 13.26)

5 x 40m weight pulls w/ 90 lbs ~ 10.6 sec

My second 150 was better in terms of form, speed, and efficiency of effort.  It felt easier than the first one and was faster.  These rolling 150s, I need to try and get my last 100m closer in speed to my first 100.  Difference on the first was .79, second .73.  But my first rolling 100s were well under 13 and without maximum effort.  Tells me there is hope to improve my 100m time with a better start.   

Weight pulls were hard and I think I may try doing these differently.  The hardest part of a harness pull is the start.  Momentum makes it easier after the first 15m.  So, maybe just do a series of accelerations with less rest in between.  Like 12 steps from the line, stop, repeat.  

I probably won't be on the track til at least Thurs or Fri.  I'm building a tool shed/workshop alone which is a big undertaking.  At least it'll help me burn some calories, I'm a bit heavy.  Waking up at nearly 146 lbs today.  I do hope to be in the weight room in the evenings at least once or twice this week.  Probably tonight.  I need to give my right ham some time to rest as well.  

Heavy for this workout, 146 before, 145 after workout.   

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