Monday, June 3, 2024

200s, weight pulls, weather

I got to the SAS track Sunday evening, waiting until near sunset, and I saw a fairly intense thundershower heading my way, it was isolated, the only one in the state and it had to be threatening my workout.  Otherwise, nice weather, upper 60ºs, breezy.

I drove through the storm and to my delight, the rain ended less than a mile from the track and it was dry.  Went through my warmup but the sky was threatening.  Just as I was finishing the warmup, it came.  A 15 min heavy shower.  It left standing water on the track.  

By the time it was over, I tighened up a bit but I was running out of daylight and I launched into my first 200m.  Felt really clunky.   Rested about 15 min, the second was better.

I finished with weight pulls til I ran out of daylight.  

Hoka trainers on

stretches, drills, 100m, bands

Hoka Rocket X2s on

200m - 28.29 (13.47, 14.82)

200m - 27.53 (13.06, 14.47)

7 x 90lb 25m weight pulls (sets of 3x and 4x)

I was rewarded with a great sight during my workout....

It was more tiring than I would have expected.  Probably due to the physical labor I've been doing.  I've got the shed I'm building ready to roof, so I'm going to leave it alone for a while and visit Roya in Atlanta.  This construction project has been very hard on the body, I'm spoiled and not used to physical labor, and I'm doing it alone which adds an element of difficulty.   It's taken away from my gym workouts, I haven't been in a week since I started this project.  

I hope to race at least a 100m in a meet Sat.  Maybe a 200m.  It's a pretty small meet, hopefully it won't be canceled.  There are only 2 other masters so far, one guy my age.  So, I hope to be on the track tomorrow and Thurs for some short quality stuff.  

143.4 lbs after workout.  

I actually entertained the idea of going to Sweden and tying it in with a vacation with Roya, and just run the 200m.  Registration just closed and I think I'd have a decent shot to make the Final, no real chance to medal, however.  I don't think there will be 8 people there that can beat me, maybe.  It's a huge meet, on the scale of Lyon 2015.  80+ in the M60 200m.   But I decided against it.  I told myself and Roya I wouldn't do any championships this summer.  Next 2 summers I definitely will, if my body holds up, so I need an extended break and we're going to the Alps hopefully this summer to hike, and eat.  I expect to take off much of Aug and Sept from training.   

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