Wednesday, May 15, 2024

200, weight pulls

Tried to get a track workout in Tuesday but couldn't, not recovered enough from Sunday's run in spikes and Monday's gym workout that included weighted squat jumps.   I had limited time due to an approaching storm front so I thought I might just do a split 400 (300, 100) then some weight pulls.  I got 200m into the 300 and shut it down.  Just hurt and felt sluggish.  So, I tried out my new steel cable I made for the weight pulls.  

Hoka trainers on

stretches, drills, 100m

Hoka rocket x2s on 

200m - 29.80

4 x 40m weight pulls with 90 lbs ~ 9.59 - 10.5

I was encouraged by my sub 19 sec 150 on Sunday, but I did it in spikes and looking back to '21, I was running this fast in trainers, twice in fact in the same workout, after running a 57.8 400m.  I look back at that workout grid from '21 with amazement now.  No wonder I had the world lead in the M60 400m that yr.  No wonder I ran 56 twice and 2:18 in the 800.   I think that if my body could have withstood the pace I was training at in Jan - early March, and I hadn't reinjured that proximal ham on 2/2, I might be a least closer to that by now.   It drives home the point that there is a big difference in being 'regular fit'... and being 'super elite 400m fit.'  Now, I'm just regular fit.  Maybe not even that.  I've notice my resting HR is about 10bpm higher than it was back in Feb. and when 400m fit.   Most masters athletes have no idea what it's like to push to this highest level of fitness...  a place that I really don't think I could get to just running the short sprints.  V02 max doesn't come easy for me.   And, it's a fine line to pushing it to the max and overtraining.   Surviving the training is #1, and I failed in that this spring.  Now, I've also gained that hard-to-lose 3 or 4 lbs.   Was eating much better when Roya was here.  More salads, vegetables, variety.   Back in March, I was really disciplined with my diet.  I had visited Trader Joes in January, bought 4 lbs of my favorite chocolate, and never opened a single piece til I finished Nationals in March, which was a bust anyway.  

143.9 lbs after workout and same this Wed morning.  

Today, going to do resistance at home, abs, upper body, hip thrust machine and rest my feet and legs.   Tempted to do a bike climb to burn some calories, not sure.   Weather looks good tomorrow. 

Here's the weather front I was up against yesterday.  It wasn't as severe when it passed:

1 comment:

  1. 2:18 was impressive. Which is why I argued that your performance slide was aerobic capacity in nature. Your resting heart rate drift out of competition speaks to non optized cross training. Which I suppose is ok as you need a break but with optimized cross training it wouldn’t happen.
