Friday, June 24, 2011

Pre race day 6/24/11

Wow, where has June gone?
Time flies when you have something to do.

I'm ready for tomorrow's AL State Games which is not my favorite type of meet since it is an all-ages event. There will probably be many heats of kids of all ages, probably lengthening the meet. By the time the 200m is contested, it should be nice and hot. It may be close to 100º.

Unfortunately, I have a slight lower abdominal strain... don't know where that came from. It won't affect my racing but it is an annoyance. I've had a similar issue on the left side all season, and that finally had gone away when this new strain on the right side appeared. These types of things are barely noticeable when warmed up and ready to run, but do affect core work training. I need to look into ways of stretching and warming the lower abs as a part of my warmup.

My weight is excellent, 136.4 this morning, right on target.

This will be my last meet for a month and I hope it goes well. I really don't want to run in a meet close to the TN State meet and the National Championships. The only other meet I know of between now and then is in Tallahassee on July 9, and I think I'll have to pass. Flying to meets, with car rental and hotel can cost $500-600. Besides, here it is summer and my boat still sits on jack stands. In 21 years of owning this boat, it has never sat so long. Time to get back to nature and out on the water. I'd like to take the boat to Centerhill Lake for a few days and run those huge hills at the State Park.

I'll have 4 weeks to train for the TN State meet and the Masters Nationals after tomorrow's meet is over. It will be nice to spend time at Iska's place - perfect place to train. Sewanee's track is excellent and up on the mountain, it is several degrees cooler compared to where I live, especially in the mornings.

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