Monday, June 6, 2011

Block starts with resistance

Here are the torture implements.

Time is growing short before the SE Regional Masters Championships this weekend. This is the first set of resistance starts I've taken in weeks ... something I can do only when 100% healthy, which I am. It involves blasting out of the starting blocks on grass with spikes dragging a 40lb weight attached by rope to a belt. The weight is an inflated tire, rim and a 6" thick section of a stump. It works great.

So... I found a lonely stretch of grass behind the MTSU Rec Center parking lot and had at it.

400m warmup, drills

spikes on

3 block starts: 20-30m run at 80%

6 block starts dragging 40lb weight: 30-40m run at 90%,
run back dragging 40lb weight w/ high knees

3 block starts without weight at 90%.

Training shoes on

2 x 100m sprint jog warm down emphasizing form

I was surprised at the workout. Blasting out of the blocks with good forward lean, running up to 40m, and then having to drag the weight back. Makes for a pretty good sweat.

The first start after the weight was off, I stumbled, with too far a lean. Then I adjusted and had 2 good starts. It's hard to get a perfect start. I think it's better to play it safe in competition and come up a little too fast than to stumble, and even possibly trip and fall.
Tomorrow very early will be my last hard running workout before competition. I want to run everything from blocks and do some 100s. I'll need a good warmup. I also want to do one 400m under 60. We'll see how it goes. Got to be careful this close to a meet.

So, here's the plan:

Tues early - on the track
Wed. - resistance
Thurs. - light workout on the track. blocks and technique.
Fri. - dynamic stretches, travel, rest
Sat. - Competition!

It will be tough triple in Raleigh. 100m, 400m, 200m about an hour apart in the 90º North Carolina heat. Looking at the roster, so far I'm the only one in my age group doing a triple in those events but many more will register this week.

My weight is a little problematic, 139.2 after workout which is about a pound and a half too high. By Friday morning I'd like to be below 137.

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