Tuesday, September 17, 2024

visit to NY, night at the airport, bike climb

Went to NY to visit my parents.   I attended the SUNY Cortland football game in style with special invitation to the newly built skybox, attended my nephew's 6th grade football game, and met up with a few friends from high school I hadn't seen in 40+ yrs.  More on that below.  

On the way back, landed in the 'eyewall' of the remnants of Hurricane Francine over Charlotte, NC, very challenging approach in heavy rain, zero visibility.  Then my flight to Chattanooga was delayed from 11:25pm to 7:45 the next morning, so ... I slept in the airport. 

I canceled my 2 hrs of teaching today, went back to sleep til mid afternoon.  My foot was a bit sore from walking literally miles around the airport, so I decided to not run today and did a hard bike climb.  It was one of the top 3 or 4 fastest this summer.

Roarks Cove rd bike climb 

time - 21:52

Max HR - 186

HR over 170 - 13:00 min 

HR over 180 (consecutive) - 2:39

Avg HR - 164

Avg speed - 6.45 mph

Weight still up.  144.7 after workout.   

Photos from my trip:

With dad in the Cortland skybox home opener.   Cortland St. won the DIII National Championship in football last year.  Dad is in the Cortland Hall of Fame, so we were invited.  

With dad and mom at their condo in Binghamton

Dad in the back yard

Me and Tim M.  Bill, Tim, and family were in town to move their mom into a retirement home.  She is 90.  Tim I hadn't seen in about 42 yrs I think.  Also, saw Bob S., he was the doorman at the parents condo building.  He was in my graduating class and on our wrestling team.  

My 'bed' at the airport.

Me and Tom

1 comment:

  1. Tom looks great. I struggle to see Tim’s face but it’s been 45 years or so. I assume your parents condo is a summer retreat and they return to Florida in the late fall?
