Wednesday, September 4, 2024

4x100 tempo, 150, 100

I think I've pretty much hit rock bottom in terms of fitness.  This running session was much harder than it would be if in shape.  My stride is very compromised by my R foot unable to support my body weight on the ball of my foot without pain.  So, I gimped through another running session.  Time will tell if it will get better.  

Hoka trainers on

stretches, drills, 100m, bands

Hoka Rocket X2s on

4x100m on turf w/ 30 sec rest between  ~ 17 low

150m - 22.31

100 - 14.88

Definitely nowhere near able to sprint full stride unencumbered.  I was doing better on Aug 8 after my long break but now, still not recovered from the hiking a few weeks ago it seems.  Both my stamina and speed are terrible.  I was planning to do 5x100, but my HR hit 180 after #3, 185 after #4.   And these weren't fast, 16.6 for the first, 18.2 for the last.  

I did amble through 2 sprints on the track.  Despite the relatively low volume, 650m, the workout was really hard and I fell asleep right after.  I hope my foot recovers enough for me to continue these workouts because they are really far superior per the time I've spent on the bike.  

Also, I'm way too heavy.  146.5 before the workout, 145.4 after.  Being 5 lbs lighter will only help things.  It's hard enough to come back from a period of not running, but to do it with chronic foot pain is even harder.  I remember it was just late last winter that I was able to tolerate running 5 days / week.  I'd be happy to get back to 2 or 3.  But for now, no more than once a week and mostly on turf.  


  1. You will persevere. Back to cycling power, if you use that tool and enter 28 MPH you will see 500 watts. 145 lb Tour de France cycling champions average 455 watts on a 20 minute climb about 60 or 70 miles into a race. Mind blowing. This type of power can only be generated if there is tremendous capacity of fatty acid energy production at the cellular level, genetically limited but also developed through hours and hours of sub glycolysis training.

    1. Basically they don’t get into glycolysis or anaerobic contribution until upwards of 350 or 400 watts it is in one of the studies I posted earlier (zone 2 discussion)
