Tuesday, September 17, 2024

visit to NY, night at the airport, bike climb

Went to NY to visit my parents.   I attended the SUNY Cortland football game in style with special invitation to the newly built skybox, attended my nephew's 6th grade football game, and met up with a few friends from high school I hadn't seen in 40+ yrs.  More on that below.  

On the way back, landed in the 'eyewall' of the remnants of Hurricane Francine over Charlotte, NC, very challenging approach in heavy rain, zero visibility.  Then my flight to Chattanooga was delayed from 11:25pm to 7:45 the next morning, so ... I slept in the airport. 

I canceled my 2 hrs of teaching today, went back to sleep til mid afternoon.  My foot was a bit sore from walking literally miles around the airport, so I decided to not run today and did a hard bike climb.  It was one of the top 3 or 4 fastest this summer.

Roarks Cove rd bike climb 

time - 21:52

Max HR - 186

HR over 170 - 13:00 min 

HR over 180 (consecutive) - 2:39

Avg HR - 164

Avg speed - 6.45 mph

Weight still up.  144.7 after workout.   

Photos from my trip:

With dad in the Cortland skybox home opener.   Cortland St. won the DIII National Championship in football last year.  Dad is in the Cortland Hall of Fame, so we were invited.  

With dad and mom at their condo in Binghamton

Dad in the back yard

Me and Tim M.  Bill, Tim, and family were in town to move their mom into a retirement home.  She is 90.  Tim I hadn't seen in about 42 yrs I think.  Also, saw Bob S., he was the doorman at the parents condo building.  He was in my graduating class and on our wrestling team.  

My 'bed' at the airport.

Me and Tom

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

4x100m tempo, 100, 60

Same as last time.  Not much different.  Still out of shape, about the same weight.  Felt hot in the sun,  86ยบ, dry.  

Hoka trainers on

Stretches, drills, bands, 100m

Hoka rocket x2s on

100m on turf - 17

4x100m on turf w/ 30 sec rest ~ 17.5 avg

100m - 14.40

60m - 8.53


Still disappointing.  Can't run fast or far.  HR hit 180 after #3 of the tempo set so 5X was out.  I can't believe how slow I'm running but the foot isn't much better yet.  

144.2 lbs after workout.  If I'm able to lose 4 lbs, it will gets easier. 

Did nothing Wed-Sat, then on Sun, did a circuit of 5x10 burpees with a pushup and leap and some bicycle crunches.  Guess what was the sorest after?  My lats!  Surprised.  Not that many pushups but the lats were so sore today.  

Need to ramp up my cross training later this month.  Traveling this weekend to my home town so will not do much this weekend either.

On a side note.... our world changed on Monday when Roya was the victim of a corporate layoff, sudden and unjustified after 24 yrs of hard work for the ungrateful failing POS company, UPS.   4 days notice.  That's corporate America.  So glad not to be a part.  Really happy with my 15 hr/ 2 day per week low stress job at the college. Been playing more guitar lately, maybe work toward a performance.   Things could be worse.   One of my colleagues suffered a massive stroke while teaching this week.  Not a healthy individual, probably career ending and certainly life altering.  He's only 71.  I think blood vessels are like rubber tubing.  If you leave them sit long enough, they lose elasticity, dry rot and break.  If you stress them and stretch them routinely, they remain flexible, perhaps less likely to have ruptures, strokes, etc...  I think pushing to max HR for short duration a few times a week can be good in accomplishing CV health.  You can clearly see the 4 lbs of fat around my waist.  Not so good.  



Wednesday, September 4, 2024

4x100 tempo, 150, 100

I think I've pretty much hit rock bottom in terms of fitness.  This running session was much harder than it would be if in shape.  My stride is very compromised by my R foot unable to support my body weight on the ball of my foot without pain.  So, I gimped through another running session.  Time will tell if it will get better.  

Hoka trainers on

stretches, drills, 100m, bands

Hoka Rocket X2s on

4x100m on turf w/ 30 sec rest between  ~ 17 low

150m - 22.31

100 - 14.88

Definitely nowhere near able to sprint full stride unencumbered.  I was doing better on Aug 8 after my long break but now, still not recovered from the hiking a few weeks ago it seems.  Both my stamina and speed are terrible.  I was planning to do 5x100, but my HR hit 180 after #3, 185 after #4.   And these weren't fast, 16.6 for the first, 18.2 for the last.  

I did amble through 2 sprints on the track.  Despite the relatively low volume, 650m, the workout was really hard and I fell asleep right after.  I hope my foot recovers enough for me to continue these workouts because they are really far superior per the time I've spent on the bike.  

Also, I'm way too heavy.  146.5 before the workout, 145.4 after.  Being 5 lbs lighter will only help things.  It's hard enough to come back from a period of not running, but to do it with chronic foot pain is even harder.  I remember it was just late last winter that I was able to tolerate running 5 days / week.  I'd be happy to get back to 2 or 3.  But for now, no more than once a week and mostly on turf.  

Sunday, September 1, 2024

bike climb

Back on the bike to burn some calories.  Been holding at 145-146 lbs and really difficult to get any weight off.  Seems that once I put on that nominal 4-5 lbs, it's really hard to lose.  I'm probably 15% body fat, and like to be 10-11%.  Losing that last 4% is tough.  

I did a moderate effort climb yesterday in a light rain, which made it feel a bit easier.  Was going to do bike sprints afterward but the rain picked up.

Roark's cove rd bike climb - 23:24

Avg HR - 161

Max HR - 183

HR over 170 - 9:50

HR over 180 - 2:18

Avg Speed - 6.00 mph

It was fairly comfortable and I didn't reach near max HR right until the final sprint at the end.   

Today, did pullups, ab wheel, pushups, and house/yard work.   Shoulder still healing but I can 18 pullups and 15 pushups.  

Hoping to run next on Monday or Tues.  Will likely be 100m tempo repeats on turf.