Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Water running, bike, shed building

4 weeks, no running.   I did one more bike climb Sat June 29, that was 5 in 6 days.   Since then, I've been working on the shed construction project and did 2 sessions of water running, (deep water, not touching bottom).  Same workout, Sunday and Monday.  

Water running: 
4 x 120 steps in 70-80 sec w/ 1 min rest

Got my HR up to 143 max, so not real hard.  

Turned M64 yesterday and definitely feeling my age.  Still suffering with shoulder pain from the injury 3 weeks ago, only seems to really hurt at night and affects my sleep.   Right hand is showing carpal tunnel symptoms and foot hurts when I spend a lot of time on my feet, but it's feels ok today.

This is the shed I've built single handedly, and it's kicked my butt.  Built the door frame today and will finish the door tomorrow.  Structure is almost done except the door, and some trimming around the roof.  Next will be work table and shelves, this weekend will be putting in the electric, then outlets, lights, and maybe an a/c unit through the back wall.  Then a couch and a TV of course.  Never ending.