Sunday, July 21, 2024

Bike climb

Did the bike climb again today plus a core workout yesterday.  Not much training lately.  Just home projects and a little guitar.  This climb was nice because the road was closed to traffic because of trees down, but it was fine for a bike.  70ºs, thunderstorms in the area.

Roark's Cove Rd bike climb - 24:20

Heart rate hit 183 max and was over 170 for almost 12 min.  A hard workout to do for the first time in a while.  

I visited my foot and my hand Drs last week.  Got a carpal tunnel shot in my RH and looked at R foot Xrays.  Dr. said it was 'amazing' I was running competitively with such bad R foot arthritis of the talonavicular joint.  He didn't think a neurectomy was a good and possibly ineffective course, and said a bone fusion wouldn't necessarily negate running.  Neither option is really good.  I asked about trying a nerve block to see if a neurectomy would work.  He suggested first to try a steroid injection and said they do it all the time.  I deferred and said I'd give it a try when I get back to training if necessary.  He also said that removing the bone spur might make it worse.  So, it's really just pain management.  Shoes make a huge difference.  In my bare feet, it's impossible to do a full weight single leg heal raise without pain, but can do it in shoes much easier.

Cooler rainy week forecast, probably not the best weather for the lake.  70ºs not 80ºs.

Hanging around 144 lbs,  weight is OK.  Going to try and get more bike and conditioning work in this week.  Shoulder is still an issue, healing slowly.   Finished the bulk of my construction project, the shed, but still have more work to finish it.  I'm using it now, building shelves, etc... 

Here the interior work bench.  



  1. Is that your favorite guy on the computer

    1. Yea, watching the 99%white christo-fascist gop convention

  2. Christo-fascist sounds about right. I felt sad and bad for Joe but he had to do it. Hopefully not too late.

    1. Agreed. Harris is rocking. New life, $81 million raised in one day. Get Josh S. on the ticket to carry PA, and it's game over for the cult of orange jesus

  3. I don't disagree but having a black, asian, female president with a Jewish husband and a Jewish VP would surely push the white supremacists over the edge. So-called "Anti-Zionists" (i.e., those who suck up Russian/Iranian propaganda/disinformation on social media) will also be yelling "Soros! Soros!". I personally say the hell with them all but I also don't want to live through the movie "Civil War."

    1. Please no more politics on this space. Athletics is better without.

    2. Good call, Bill! 'Shed' looks fantastic!
