Sunday, July 28, 2024

Bike climb and more shed work, Sewanee track

 After some work on the shed, where I installed the roof of the back section, and cleaned up the area, I went to town to do a bike climb.  I suffered a bit more on this one because I did it after eating.  Not a good idea.  It was a minute+ faster than last time and my heart rate showed it.  I no longer measure my HR to recovery, I shut off the monitor after putting my bike in the rack, about 3 min after summiting the hill, so for this climb, 25:20 to summit, 27:28 total time including ride to car.  So, that will give me a more accurate avg HR and avg speed for the activity itself.   

Roark's Cove Rd bike climb - 25:20

Max HR - 186

HR over 170 - 10:33

Avg HR - 163

          Avg speed - 5.53 mph

Faster than last time but much more taxing. 

Putting this roof on was a challenge, having to cut these joists at precise length and angle - ends about 8º, and not having someone to hold the other end, had it invent tools to hold up one end while I screwed the other.  Next, epoxy the floor and get a truckload of gravel to put in this space.  There is no way to get the dump truck behind the shed so it's going to be real labor intensive to do it w/ shovel and wheelbarrow.  

I was disappointed to learn the Sewanee track will be predominantly gray with purple exchange zones.  I would have much preferred the reverse and in a poll I put up on the Sewanee FB group, nearly everyone agreed with me.  

It's going to look something like this.

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