Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Bike climb again

Second day in a row of bike climb.  Maybe 2º cooler today, 84º at the top and less humid than yesterday 

Roark's Cove Rd bike climb, maybe a tad faster than yesterday, about 24 min.

Max HR - 186

HR over 170 - 14:11

The gorgeous shady mountain road... Roark's Cove Rd. 

Yea, I've gained that 4-5 lbs back from peak fitness when in peak season.  Not quite to 'dad bod' yet, but getting there.  

At this age, must train just to keep from backsliding too far, especially while enjoying previously forbidden foods, like my favorites... fruit pastry.  At least I'm not frying potatoes.  

Holding around 145 lbs.  

Strudel -

1 comment:

  1. Theron (Terry) GjersvikJune 27, 2024 at 2:56 PM

    Ive had 6 June sessions on the track. Trying the short to long approach. Turn 65 summer 2026 with a target race the 400M.. Saturday was 2 sets 50M x 3 faster ones at 8.5. Tuesday was 80M and a broken 300 26.5 and 25.5. (20 second break). Friday will be 30M and 70M on turf. Im going twice per week, no other running. I do some 100, 150 and 200 for endurance work. Keeping it under 1000M/ session. Hips is what is holding me back. Hips are real sore during recovery.
