Thursday, May 11, 2017


After a 10 days of eating stuff i normally don't eat like chips and carbs, and not running, the decline has begun.  I have done some mountain biking and some stairmaster and rowing... but that's really not enough.   I need to start resistance soon.  Still 10-11 days out from a return to the track.

Not being an endurance athlete, it's frightening how quickly aerobic fitness disappears.  How breathless I get after a fairly short uphill sprint on my mountain bike.  At this age, I guess it goes away real fast.

I feel a definite 'softening' of my body, even though I've not gain that much weight.  I'm still under 150 lbs and was under 148 this morning.

I can only imagine what it's like for older people who never exercise, are overweight, and don't lift weights.  Especially if this behavior has gone on for years.  The body turns to jello.  Strength to weigh ratio decreases to the point where one can not even lift their own weight (one pull up), and can get breathing hard just bending over to clean the floor.  I can see why sarcopenia and high blood pressure are so prevalent in older non-athletes.  It's like a wasting disease.  Maybe a glimpse of my future life when I am unable to run.  I don't think it has to be that way.  Cardio machines and weights, simple exercises one can do at home.  I think I can get a pretty comprehensive workout at home with my resistance bands, pullup bar, etc...

I think I was pretty accurate when I said, 4 weeks off from running regresses training 8 weeks, to get back to where you were.

The other aspect is psychological.   Exercise is uncomfortable.  When one stops training and starts living in a comfort zone with no physical exertion, it becomes ever more painful to exercise, especially taking that first step.  When in training mode, you get used to the pain and even welcome it... it actually become LESS painful.  That's why starting back up after a break is hard... especially doing 800m repeats and other foundation work.

Also, that is why people train together and have coaches.  People gain motivation from others.  I have neither.  I'm a lone wolf out there, running in circles.

Just some observations from 'the other side.'  I expect to be back on the track perhaps twice during the week of May 22.


  1. Bill, you're also very much "A LONE WOLF" when you're on that stand and have that medal hanging around your neck. Do you know how many men envy you....want to be like you....have what you have? Keep on 'keeping on''s worth every minute of adversity!!

  2. "it's worth every minute of adversity" - easier said than endured. Often I have this plan that I'm going to do this massive workout, like 4 or 5 600s or 800s with limited rest. Then, when that pain hits in the 3 or 4th rep, it doesn't seem so worth it. Like biting off more than you can chew.

  3. Perhaps think about mixing things up (quite a bit!) and follow a training program for a full marathon for half a season. Running a marathon is one of those bucket-list item for some...

    1. My feet would not be able to take that volume. Did the road racing thing for a season and it caused articular cartilage damage to my knee which healed after eliminating that type of running. Marathon running / training is actually not particularly healthy for people over 50. High intensity interval training is far better in many ways for wellness.
