Monday, October 14, 2024

Tempo 150s on turf

Cool weather in here, actually perfect for training.   Still on turf and expect to remain on turf for most workouts this yr.  One-upped myself with a total of 7 150s today.  Did 3 sets and lots of time in between.

Hoka trainers on

Stretches, drills, 100m, bands

3 x150m w/ 30 sec rest - 25.19, 25.46, 26.43

2 x 150m w/ 30 sec rest - 22.93, 26.20

2 x 150m w/ 30 sec rest - 24.86, 26.60

The first set, I just wanted to get through 3x, even though HR was 181 at the start of 3rd rep.  Second set, I wanted run one fast (into the wind) and stride the second one, HR maxed at just 172.  3rd set wasn't bad since I took about full rest.  HR maxed at just 174.

Need to start running fast at some point, even 50 - 100m on turf.  

Felt it in the glutes after doing some single leg squats yesterday, haven't been doing them regularly.  

142.2 lbs after workout.  Weight is getting down there.  Probably won't do anything til Friday, unless I go out tomorrow.  

My hands have been feeling pretty good lately and I've been playing more guitar recently than in the past year or 2.  I decided to apply for a sabbatical to do some creative work and performing.  Chances are small that it will be approved, since I've had previous sabbaticals, but nevertheless.  In the unlikely event it is approved, it won't be until spring '26.   That summer might be my next World meet, I'll be 66 then and the meet is in Daegu, S. Korea.  

While applying I found this clip of a performance I did on NPR during my last sabbatical several yrs ago.  Surprised to find it.


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Bike climb

Wanted to burn a few calories yesterday so I did a relaxed bike climb, keeping my HR relatively low. 

Roark's cove bike climb - 26min

Avg HR - 150

Max HR - 178

HR over 170 - 5:17

Avg speed - 5.35 mph

Time for yearly blood work again Thurs morning so eating super clean and small.  Would like to get down to 140 by Thurs.  

Tomorrow, running on turf.  Foot improving slightly.  

Eating basically Mediterranean diet every day, thanks to Roya.  Now, without the snacking on nuts, fruit, and chocolate. 


Thursday, October 10, 2024

stadium stairs

Had some time after class on Wed so I hit the stairs at the stadium.  Was sore for  days after last week's session so this was better.   Cool clear fall weather, in the 60ºs.

Hoka Rocket x2s on

stretches, drills

11 X stadium stair sprints

Hard but better than last time.  Might have done a few more but ran out of daylight.   Stair seem to actually help my foot.  Feels better the day after.  Maybe because stairs force me to dorsiflex the foot more and use more calf.   

Maybe I'll continue this every week.  

143.1 lbs after workout.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

3x2x150m on turf

Really dry and intense sun but not too hot, 75º at the Sewanee track but I stayed on turf.  I was thinking about running a hard 300m on the track to see where I am, but I didn't ... better to stay on turf and save the foot.  The foot felt slightly better today considering I ran last Monday and stadium stairs on Thurs.  Maybe the foot is beginning to adapt.

Hoka trainers on

stretches, drills, bands, 2 x 100

Hoka Rocket X2s on

2 x 150m w/ 30 sec rest - 24.12, 26.40 (max HR 181)

2 x 150m w/ 30 sec rest - 24.40, 25.72 (max HR 182)

2 x 150m w/ 30 sec rest - 24.55, 27.60 (max HR 183)

I was determined to get 6x in today, one more than last time.  Would have been better if I could have done 2x3x150, but I started too fast for my fitness and HR hit 181 30 sec after sec rep of set one.  

Still in terrible shape.  Just an uptempo 100m strider pushes my HR to mid 160s.  

Still too heavy but happy to finish today at 143.3 lbs, a full 4 lbs lighter than yesterday. FOS I guess.  

Last yr at this time I was able to do 3x300m w/ 3 min, barely but I did it.  Not even close right now.  2 yrs ago, 4x150 w/ 30 sec rest at 25 low.  My speed is compromised by not being able to get completely on my toes, more forefoot than ball of foot.  Hopefully that will improve.  

Saturday, October 5, 2024

bike sprints

Under the weather with a cold today, only slight fever but cough and runny nose.  I'm fine, tested negative for covid twice.  

Gorgeous, dry, and very warm in Sewanee today.  Hit 86º today.  After doing some pullups, pushups, and glute hip thrusts, I got on the bike about sunset.   Wasn't as fast as my previous set but hard, pushed my HR higher. More consistent.

Bike sprints

4 x 0.3 miles w/ 2:20 rest

Max speed, max HR

25.77,  170

26.56, 180

26.50, 177

26.34, 178

HR recovered pretty well, 178 - 130 in 3 min.   

Foot is feeling relatively good considering running twice this week.  Will probably hit the turf on Mon.

Was really heavy this morning, 146.5.

Friday, October 4, 2024

stadium stairs


Just did 10 which is a minimal amount for me, but they were hard.  Had to take a few min rest between the last few to wait for HR to get below 130.  

Didn't really warm up enough before these, but happy to get 'em done considering I ran on Monday.  Foot doesn't feel too bad today considering.  

Hoka Rocket x2s on

10 x Stadium stair sprints 

Max HR - 170

 145 lbs after workout

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

tempo - 150s on turf, intervals on bike

There's something about intensive tempo sprint intervals, especially when not in shape.  Extremely taxing and the afterburn is unparalleled, unlike any other training.  Again, especially when not in shape.

Monday, did 150s across the field and was determined to do one more than last time, even if slow.  I tried the first set in my heavy Hoka Bondi 8s to see if they'd help my foot.  Not really, actually harder to get on my toes.  

Hoka Bondi 8s on

Stretches, drills, 100m, bands

3 x 150m on turf w/ 30 sec rest - 25.44, 27.00, 27.45

20 min rest

Hoka Rocket X2s on 

2 x 150m on turf w/ 30 sec rest - 24.84, 25.80

143.3 lbs after workout 

HR after only the first one hit 178, 2nd - 183, 3rd - 184.  I started the last rep with HR over 180.  It took 60 sec for my HR to drop from 184 to 172 after the last rep.   Even after 10 min HR dropped to a low of 120 when sitting, but then as I started to walk, it creeped back up toward 150.  As I was shaking it out getting ready for my second set 20 min later, HR was over 150.  Second set, HR peaked at 179.  Even after going home and changing, walked on campus to hear a lecture, and 2 hrs later, my breathing relaxed and totally normal, HR was still in after burn mode at 90-95.  Serious afterburn.  Overnight low was 54, about normal for this time of yr.   Don't get this from bike, rower, stairmaster.  Indication of a low V02max I assume.

Bike Sprints

5 x 0.3 mile bike sprints w/ 2:20 rest

Top speed MPH and max HR BPM:

27.78, 159

26.82, 166

26.56, 170

25.92, 171

25.73, 171

144.4 lbs after workout.  Still too heavy. 

Each interval was about 40-45 sec in duration.   Quite different from running, HR recovered quickly, 130s between reps, except last one, 144.  I felt more pump and lactic from the bike than running, on the last 2, I sat on the saddle for the last 50m, legs were burning.  Unlike last time when I took full rest and went all out on each, I pedaled back to the start slowly and was a bit less aggressive.  

Struggling to get back to some semblance of shape.  It's going to take a lot of pain and effort to ever run sub 60 again in a 400m.  IF I can tolerate the training, which doesn't look promising now, it'll take 6+ months.  It's OK because USATF Nationals Outdoor is 8+ months away.   They still don't have a date and a host for this meet.  

Will probably stay with one running workout/week through this month, may give 2 a try.  Still haven't run anything longer than a 150m.  Foot always seems to feel better after running than before, oddly.