I've settled on a short simple interval set. I can be in and out of the pool in about 15 min, and I can do it everyday if I want. Using watch is inaccurate for HR but I'll post it anyway.
Pool laps 6x50yd w/ ~1:10 rest - 40.3, 45.9, 45.2, 46.3, 49.2, 50
Max HR - 154
HR avg - 128
HR< 128 - 5:09
HR 128-144 - 6:49
HR 145-152 - 1:15
Not exactly 'running the engine hot' like the anaerobic power of track sprinting... more like a zone 2-3 workout.
At least I'm not heavy - 141. 3 lbs after workout.
About undertaking this surgery, I'm thinking it's going to be a helluva miserable inconvenience. Crutches to early/mid March. With my time off and spring break, I'll only have to endure 3 weeks or so of crutches at work. I'm going to follow Dr. LaPrade's more conservative protocol of 6 weeks non-weight since it worked before. I asked Justin about it, he said I'm more than welcome to follow a more conservative protocol but he says 50% weight bearing ok. I asked him why, and he said, 'because my stitches are strong.' Not worried about the stitches breaking, but what they're holding. Curiously, his radial tear protocol is more like LaPrade's, 6 weeks, no weight. So, since I do have a radial tear, that's what I'll follow. LaPrade's decision to not treat this doesn't bode well for my chances for a complete fix. He saw the risk and chances of success, and at this stage of his career at age 67, didn't want to deal with it. Justin however, I feel is at the top of game, only 50, and willing to take on the tough cases.