Wednesday, June 5, 2024

120s, weight pulls

Decent weather, mostly sunny, 70º at sunset, the SAS track had wet spots.  On suggestion from Allan, I'm running just 3 quality sprints today and some weight pulls.

Hoka trainers on

stretches, drills, bands, 100m

100m - 14.50

Hoka rocket X2s on

120m - 15.60 (2.60, 13.00)

120m - 15.31 (2.51, 12.80)

120m - 15.41 (2.57, 12.84)

11x20m weight pulls w/ 90 lbs

120s are not a distance I usually run, but it was fine.  I'm not where I want to be in top speed, dubious on improving with my present level of training.  These rolling 120s were not really that fast but considering a wet track and trainers, not real slow either.  Probably about 19 mid-low 150 pace.   Might be able to break 15 in spikes in a 120.

Have gained 4 lbs from indoor season.  My knee was a bit stiff today so I don't know if I'm going to run tomorrow.  May race the 100m or 200m on Sat but probably not both.  It'll be just for fun, no expectations.

143.5 lbs after workout.

1 comment:

  1. Expectations are the source of unhappiness
