Saturday, March 8, 2025

4 week mark, looking back and forward

Approaching the 4 week mark post op and still being really careful.  Wearing the brace all the time and only occasionally putting small amount of weight on the R leg just for balance.  Dr said 50% weight is ok but not even doing that.  Last 3 weeks have been a good period of healing.  My ROM is about 100ยบ of flexion.

This weekend is the opening meet at Berry College where last year I raced a 400m in 59.75, finishing 36th out of 37.   I'm thinking it may very well be the last time I'll ever break 60 sec in a 400m.  

Back in 2016, I would have been disappointed if I failed to break 56.  I ran eight 400s that year under 56 sec.  I turned 56 that summer.  It was at this same meet at Berry in 2017 where I ran my last outdoor 400m under 56 sec and two weeks later, ran 55.17 in Daegu at Worlds.  For reference, with my 2017 time of 55.79 at Berry, I would have finished ahead of both those runners in the photo - 4 mo short of age 57.  Daegu would be my final sub 56 sec 400.  I did come really close to breaking 56 sec 4 yrs later at age 61, just 3 1/2 yrs ago in Canada with that WL 56.23.  

4 yrs ago I was beating HS kids on the new indoor track in Louisville at age 60.  Ran a 57.81 on that track in 2021.

Anyway, nice to look back.  

I was recently looking at colleagues races and thinking that I miss it, but also thinking how inane it is.  To win a meet, get that medal, while running a time that is ridiculously slow compared to just a few yrs ago.  The last 200m I ran in May '24 was 27.00.  The only time I failed to break 27 sec in a 200m.  My first 200m split in my 400m at nationals in '21 was 26.8.  Even 27.00 is a respectable time for M65. It would rank #3 in world right now M65.  So, at least I stayed relatively fast til the end, if that was the end.

Dates for 2026 World Masters Championships have been announced for Daegu, and it's end of August.  I am really dubious I could ever be ready to race by then, especially after taking 2 consecutive summers off.  I will likely only have been running a year at most by then.  Probably not worth it.  I'm thinking the healing process will be longer this time.  I have two more weeks on crutches and last time I was transitioning off crutches right after the 5th week.  I got a great deal on a brand new Ossur Rebound Cartilage under loader brace for $100.  They sell new for $900.  We'll see how that feels.  I will hit the 5 week mark a week from Monday and I'm on vacation til then, so time for some good healing.  Eating an ounce of collagen a day including an advanced formula (snake oil?) and a generic.  Types I,II,III,V.   Maybe it will help.

I'm not particularly heavy but definitely have gained 3 or 4 lbs of fat and lost muscle.  I'm about 144-145 lbs.  I went shopping for the first time yesterday.  At Walmart, you can shop on line and they will bring it to your car.  Getting it up the stairs was hard.  Used a canvas bag slung around my back.  2 trips.  I had my first fast food sandwich in probably yrs (other than a sub) yesterday.  Wendy's chicken sandwich and FRIES and sweet tea.  Was very good, but deadly.  

I have not worked out with my abs, pullups, and pushups circuit since Monday.  So, undisciplined.  Will definitely do that today.  

My PT will start March 24 with some gentle ham bridges, zero resistance biking, and various other exercises.