Wednesday, May 22, 2024

200m, 3 x 60m

Went to the Sewanee track today for my workout... and it was gone.  

GONE.  Shredded and in piles.

I knew this was coming and expected it, just didn't know when.  Turf gone too.

I'm looking forward to the new beautiful purple track,  but I do feel a sense of nostalgia for this track where I earned my medals and world rankings.  I've been out here in every month of the year, sometimes in extreme weather... everything from a wind chill of 5ºF to a heat index of 105ºF.  I must have put nearly 2000 workouts down on this track in the last 14 yrs.  

So, today... I went to St Andrews, which is actually closer to my house.  It's a decent track although no shade, no bathrooms.  

Quality sprints today.  Cloudy, W wind, mid 70ºs.

Hoka trainers on

stretches, drills, bands 100m

Hoka Rocket x2s on

200m - 27.38 (13.22, 14.16)

60m - 8.00 (4.37, 3.63)

60m - 7.86 (4.31, 3.55)

60m - 7.97 (4.40, 3.57)

30m - 4.47

The 200m was rolling, the 60s were from the line 3 pt stance, I measured 30m splits.  

Being so heavy, over 145 lbs, I was dubious I would run this fast but I had a little tail wind.  I woke up at about 146.5 lbs so I'm really a mess and have put on weight.  It's really inexplicable that I ran these 60s faster than I did with blocks and spikes a few days ago, even if it were after 2 hard 150s.  My 200m was hard and close to full effort, pushed HR to 179, 40 sec after finishing.  

I still may race Sat and not expecting much.  It may be my last of the season.  Need to be at least under 143 lbs.  My foot seems only capable of every third day of running now and with my track being resurfaced, maybe this is a good time to call it a season.  


  1. Maybe you ran faster because you were heavier, not despite it. There is a reason why sprinters bulk up.

    1. Agreed. Another issue with over focus on absolute lowest weight and body fat is a undernourished state. It is now understood that intracellular glucose stores are essential for absolute maximum anaerobic production. Not directly as a form of energy but kind of like a catalyst for the anaerobic energy production. If intracellular stores are depleted glucose has to cross the cell membrane barrier which has a small but meaningful impact on maximum anaerobic energy production. So weight loss leading up to competition should be avoided. Theoretically anyway.
